I have a profile that I would like to know if it fits into the Black Sheep project area

+4 votes
Norman-6851  I have this profile that I am working on and when I discovered the death certificate of Casper and what the Corner wrote on it I thought it might fit into the Black Sheep project. The story told to the hospital that Casper fell off his horse and fractured his skull, however, the Corner's finding did not line up with the story being told and he questioned the death. I have the death Certification posted on the profile. I would just like to know if it would fit into the Project group and if it does what do I do? I am a member of the Black Sheep Project. Please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong section.

Thank you for your help,

WikiTree profile: Nancy Sitzlar
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Nancy Sitzlar G2G6 Mach 1 (11.4k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer
For others, this profile: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Norman-6851

Hi, Nancy. It seems we don't have enough information about his life to consider him a Black Sheep even though it certainly seems his death was something other than a fall from a horse. Can you do some additional research to find out what kind of a fellow he was? Perhaps we will learn he was a Black Sheep which somehow contributed to his demise.

~ T Stanton, Coordinator Westward Ho
by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (522k points)
selected by Nancy Sitzlar
I will and thank you. I know he was a farmer and I am very familiar with the area he lived in back in the mountains. It was then and now a place where you can get away with murder. I thought he was far from home so early in the morning which brought to my mind maybe he pulled and all nighter where he should not have been, or gambled all night, but will try to find a newspaper article on the death. It appealed to me since the Corner did not believe he fell from a horse that their was foul play involved. lol..see why I am in the Black Sheep project!!! My brain could invent all sorts of scenarios but does prefer the correct one.

Thank you for your time.

In any event the BSP is being restructured/dissolved, although the outcome isn't clear yet.

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