need some help to research a possible official status for this woman's father

+7 votes

Nicole Roland on her marriage contract and marriage tried to use the name Gabrielle d'Assonville.  Per Michel Langlois, she got reprimanded and fined for this stunt.  Both her marriage contract and marriage record start out having Gabrielle d'Assonville entered in them, then crossed out and Nicole Roland/Rolland entered (images on profile).

Per Jetté citing Godbout, she claimed first that her father was Pierre d'Assonville, governor of the city of Luxin in Lorraine, then that he was governor of Nancy.

Her father finally got listed as Pierre Roland, mother Françoise Dechos or Deschaux.  She come from St-Sulpice parish of Paris, so that creates a block on finding more on her family unless notarial records have something.

Was there a Pierre d'Assonville actually governor of either Luxin in Lorraine or of Nancy in early 1600s?  This girl got married in 1655 here.

Her name probably needs to be corrected, just need evidence.

in Genealogy Help by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (728k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
did you ever take a look at other peoples trees (dare I say it on other sites???)

here is one link

and here is another

I have no idea if they have any REAL hard data
by Tamara Knowles G2G3 (3.4k points)
hi Tamara, they don't appear to have any actual sources over what I have.

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