Can a profile have more that one project as a profile manager?

+5 votes
Does it trigger an error if 2 Project Boxes are added to a profile?
in The Tree House by Esmé van der Westhuizen G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
retagged by Esmé van der Westhuizen
The real question Esme is can a Project Protected Profile also have another project on the trusted list as inactive project?

Philip, I am sure that you can add another Project to the trusted list, but can't answer the question if it will trigger a Data Doctors Suggestion.

3 Answers

+6 votes
Yes, but I think I read somewhere that no more than two projects should be managers.

Sweden Project sometimes co-manage profiles that is also managed by Notables or EuroAristo for example.
by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (156k points)

Thanks Maggie.

I get an error - 935 Unpaired Project Account and ProjectBox on this profile

Belongs to Cape of Good Hope - Kaap de Goede Hoop (1652-1806) Project

But is also part of the COGH Stamouer-Progenitor Project WikiTree

Do we then add both Projects as profile managers and add both Project Boxes?

From the Project:FAQ

Can profiles be covered by multiple projects?

Technically, yes. The profiles covered by projects inevitably overlap. However, one project should usually have primary responsibility. There should never be more than two projects managing the same profile.

Esme, I think that is what is needed to clear that Suggestion, if both projects want to manage it.
The project who is managing the profile should obviously also have the project box on the profile.

If there is a project box for a project that is not managing the profile, I would reach out to said project and ask if they have any interest in being managers.

Sometimes WT members might add project boxes by mistake when they should have been adding a sticker.

Edited to add...

There is actually a DBE list for projects, to check if there is any unmatched project boxes and management that I assume is checked by the all projects now and then. For Sweden I usually check it once or twice a month but if a member found an error I would be grateful if they let me know.
Yes, two projects, but no more than two, can manage a profile. For example, there are some Puritan Great Migration immigrants who went to New England before 1640, then went to New Netherland, who have had both projects on their profiles.
+9 votes
No there is not an error if both projects boxes are on the profile and both projects are made a manager.  If one project isn't a manager or vice versa, then there is an error.  I frequently deal with this because the Acadians project and the Louisiana Family project sometimes jointly manage profiles - many people were born in Acadia, deported by the British to somewhere, ending up in Louisiana.  The sources and quality of information are quite different for each end of that life and it helps to have both projects to see messages, resolve problems and handle merges for such profiles, depending on who has the expertise.
by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (358k points)
+4 votes
Thanks Esme

I have corrected the error

We use only one project per profile in the South African projects
by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (130k points)

So that means that a Progenitor will be excluded from the Cape of Good Hope - Kaap de Goede Hoop (1652-1806) Project

If that is the case then it also implies that all the profiles for Suggestion 926 PPP With unpaired Project Account and ProjectBox, also needs to be corrected -

Hi Esme

I looked at the first two profiles and I have no idea why they were added  the Cape of good hope  project as manager 

Not IMHO South African Stamouers and should not be included in any South African project.

Let me contact the COGH project leader and come back to you on this but I would think all templates and project managers  should be removed and appropriate projects should be added 

Will be back soon:-)   

Thanks Ronel. Just trying to figure out how it all fits together from the Data Doctors perspective.
Hi Esme

Yes confirmed We remove both the template and manager

Taking your as an example Esme, it is a progenitor profile (COGH) and falls under that project { {Cape of Good Hope Stamouer-Progenitor} } , but at the same time it has [ [Category:Cape_of_Good_Hope_Project_Needs_Validation] ] as category, and also has the { COGH } on the trusted list (so that communication is possible - not everyone reads or receives the PROG google group mails or comments). The template is on the bio, the category, but the second project only on the trusted list. The SAR project has it's own PROGenitors.

Thanks Ronel, by changing the Project Box to {{Cape of Good Hope Stamouer-Progenitor}}, I do not think that Hennop-1 will reflect as a Suggestion on the next Data Doctors report
Pleasure Esme and you are welcome :-))

Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

I will work on them tonight and are hopeful to clear them all

 Some has to be de protected and project managers need to be changed along with new categories added  and templates added  ect.

Hoop jy beplan darem ook om te slaap wink


926 is nou gedoen 

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