Do profiles that appear on one challenge list also appear on other challenge lists?
The following profile Stewart-1895 shows up on the Louisiana, Unsourced Profiles list (table) under the column "0000-0000" and on the row "Location: Louisiana, Suggestion 131-134".
I see that it has no dates. I was therefore looking for it on this week's Data Doctor's challenge to help clean up problematic dates. Is a profile with no dates at all considered problematic?
When I search the table categories, which are created for the Data Doctors Challenge, for Stewart-1895, I don't find the profile. So, my question is this: should I be able to find this profile in the table of profiles with problematic dates?
Update: I didn't find the profile because I only searched on page one. I then realized that there was a NEXT button, and I eventually found her on page 22. (see answer one below by Linda Peterson for a short cut)