Do profiles that appear on one challenge list also appear on other challenge lists? [closed]

+3 votes
Do profiles that appear on one challenge list also appear on other challenge lists?

The following profile Stewart-1895 shows up on the Louisiana, Unsourced Profiles list (table) under the column "0000-0000" and on the row "Location: Louisiana, Suggestion 131-134".

I see that it has no dates.  I was therefore looking for it on this week's Data Doctor's challenge to help clean up problematic dates.  Is a profile with no dates at all considered problematic?

When I search the table categories, which are created for the Data Doctors Challenge, for Stewart-1895, I don't find the profile. So, my question is this:  should I be able to find this profile in the table of profiles with problematic dates?


Update:  I didn't find the profile because I only searched on page one. I then realized that there was a NEXT button, and I eventually found her on page 22. (see answer one below by Linda Peterson for a short cut)
WikiTree profile: Agnes Stewart
closed with the note: This question is closed because it has been answered and resolved.
in WikiTree Help by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
closed by Tommy Buch

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer

Suggestions are created every week for profiles, not just the suggestions involved in a challenge. Different suggestions are used for the weekly challenges.   This weeks Data Doctor Challenge is about Dates.  Suggestions included in the challenge are listed on that page. 

If you go to that Stewart-1895 profile, from the drop down under the wikitree ID in the menu, select suggestions.  You will see that profile has a 131 suggestion for no dates on that profile and no dates on relatives. 

by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (828k points)
selected by Tommy Buch
Now, that's not fair.  You took the shortcut.

Okay, I just realized that I only searched on page one of the table.  I now see that the table has a NEXT button above it.  I eventually found Stewart-1895 on page 20 or something.  I lost count but had faith that I would eventually find it on a page as I kept hitting next and searching for it.  And I did.

Okay, now I looked in my browser history to see if it kept track of how many pages I 'next'ed, and low and behold the pages have a page number.  I see that she is on page 22 of category 131.

So, she is on the data doctor's challenge for dates this week as I suspected.

Thanks Linda.
yeah, and the Challenge list is really just a subset of the total suggestion list anyway, so if you find a suggestion that you enjoy working or is helping you learn more about wikitree functionality (for example the deprecated parameter ones for functions or the sticker errors lead to lots of new knowledge for me) you can keep working on them at any time. You won't be competing with anybody if they're not part of the challenge, but sometimes that's better...
I agree with Jonathan.  Personally, I like to work on suggestions for the state where I live.  Working through suggestions for a location or a few suggestion numbers that you like to work on Is helpful for the overall tree.

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