I think dates for George and Judith are out see son’s record
First name(s) Warner
Last name Marshall
Sex Male
Race White
Marital status Unknown
Age 41
Birth year 1866
Birth place Victoria, Ill
Father's first name(s) Geo. W.
Father's last name Marshall
Mother's first name(s) Judith B.
Mother's last name Tapp
Event Marriage
Year 1907
Event date 18 Sep 1907
Location -
Place Knox, Illinois, United States
County Knox
State Illinois
Country United States
Spouse's first name(s) Cordelia E?
Spouse's last name Grieder
Spouse's sex Female
Spouse's race White
Spouse's age 19
Spouse's birth year 1888
Spouse's birth place Piper City, Ill.
Spouse's father's first name(s) John W.
Spouse's father's last name Grieder
Spouse's mother's first name(s) Rosa M.
Spouse's mother's last name Wood
FamilySearch film number 001412064
Record set United States Marriages
Category Life Events (BDMs)
Subcategory Civil Marriage & Divorce
Collections from Americas, United States
Index (c) IRI. Used by permission of FamilySearch Intl