I did a comparison among Ancestry new percentages, FTDNA and 2 reports run out of GedMatch.
Different utilities measure admixture in different ways. Some focus more on ancient admixture (e.g., Eurogenes Hunter-Gatherer), some focus more on recent admixture. Additionally, some utilities are better than others for certain populations. ...
The three biggest problems with all of these utilities are:
a.) the lack of representation of a lot of world populations,
b.) the under-representation of other populations, and
c.) some populations are so intermixed, that it can be difficult to differentiate between them with current technology.
(the above taken from an answer concerning the admixture tool on GedMatch)
My known paper genealogy is
25% Scottish (little to no English, any there is went to Scotland before 1600) almost all from Aberdeenshire area..
12.5% French Moselle area (which has Germanic importation once again before 1600)
50% Germanic / Austrian All over the place...
12.5% Swiss
Ancestry's new version
41% Germanic Europe
27% Scotland
27% England & Northwestern Europe
3 % Ireland
2% Wales
For fun I want to compare what I get out of the same DNA from other labs This next one is from FTDNA Note their British Isles overlaps to Northern France and Germany
99% European
57% British Isles
36% West and Central Europe
6% Iberia
Trace Results
<1% Finland
GedMatch Eurogenes: Here is an explanation of how their admixture tools work Finally! A Gedmatch Admixture Guide! I ran the Eurogenes K-13 and K-36.
Eurogenes K13 Admixture Proportions
This utility uses the Eurogenes K13 model (rev 21 Nov 2013), created by Davidski (Polako). Questions and comments about this model should be directed to him at his Project Blog.
Software Version: Jul 22 2020 03:55:46
49.35 Pct North_Atlantic
21.04 Pct Baltic
14.57 Pct West_Med
10.34 Pct West_Asian
1.54 Pct East_Med
Red_Sea -
0.89 Pct South_Asian
East_Asian -
Siberian -
0.66 Pct Amerindian
0.93 Pct Oceanian
0.67 Pct Northeast_African
Sub-Saharan -
Eurogenes K36 Admixture Proportions
This utility uses the Eurogenes K36 model, created by Davidski (Polako). Questions and comments about this model should be directed to him at his Eurogenes Genetic Ancestry Project blog.
Software Version: Jul 22 2020 03:55:46
Amerindian -
Arabian -
Armenian -
3.29 Pct Basque
Central_African -
2.51 Pct Central_Euro
East_African -
East_Asian -
2.51 Pct East_Balkan
East_Central_Asian -
5.07 Pct East_Central_Euro
East_Med -
1.49 Pct Eastern_Euro
12.50 Pct Fennoscandian
6.60 Pct French
15.82 Pct Iberian
Indo-Chinese -
6.81 Pct Italian
Malayan -
Near_Eastern -
North_African -
16.85 Pct North_Atlantic
5.30 Pct North_Caucasian
19.53 Pct North_Sea
Northeast_African -
Oceanian -
Omotic -
Pygmy -
Siberian -
South_Asian -
0.64 Pct South_Central_Asian
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural -
West_African -
West_Caucasian -
1.08 Pct West_Med