This picture is of Margaret Wark and Thomas Foster my husband's 2 X grt grandparents. It was provided by the nephew or maybe grand nephew, (we aren't quite sure) of Margaret Wark
It looks like it has been cut out of a larger photo and then put on a white background and photographed, or maybe photo copied. They married in 1867, this may have been an engagement photo. They were both about 28 years old when they married.
Location: Renfrew County,. Date: 1867. Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (2254 x 2823).
M, thank you for posting this photo. My 2x great grandfather, Alexander Wark came from Paisley, Renfrewshire.
Do you supposed that they could have been related?
Thank You for sharing! I checked my connection and it was only through marriages! I love the photo! It speaks volumes of the time and styles!