Swedish translation for cause of death on three records [closed]

+1 vote

Good evening,

I am looking for some help translating some causes of death.  I have three different ones that are evading my abilities.

The first is Sara Stina Hallquist. d:1920  I am guessing stroke because one of the words seems to be brain.  It is the third down on this record  https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/F0010629_00072

The second record with a cause of death that I need help with is Pehr Andersson d:1818 in Klappsta  #35 on the left hand page of this record https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0032555_00044

The third record and hopefully my last for a while is for Anders Errsson d:1890 in Nås.  It is #10 on this page https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/00188125_00167

I hope it was ok to ask for multiple translations in a single post.  

THANK YOU - Marianne

closed with the note: Answered - Thank you
in Genealogy Help by Marianne Herzog G2G2 (2.1k points)
closed by Marianne Herzog

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
1. Hemmorhag. cerebri = brain haemorrhage.

2. Böt o. Bröstsjuka (Do. = same as the above) I don't get the first term, but the second one is directly translated "chest disease" which may be a lot of different things.

3 Ålderdomsbräcklighet = frailty from old age.
by Leif Biberg Kristensen G2G6 Pilot (264k points)
selected by Marta Johnson

For the second one I read that as Röt o. Bröstfeber (compare the same cause of death, with reversed sequence, in no. 32).

According to Swedish Wikipedia, Rötfeber was an old medical term covering a wide variety of different diseases characterised by rotting and fever, such as typhoid or blood poisoning / gangrene. Bröstfeber (literally "chest fever") could be pneumonia or tuberculosis.

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