.pdf file does not upload correctly

+2 votes
Hello. I have a problem uploading .pdf files. I have checked the "how to" section, and it appears I am following the correct procedure. However most .pdf files I have attempted to upload result in the file not being able to be opened. There is a file icon on the image page with my comments, however its' size is shown as "0 pixels x 0 pixels", i.e. it is empty.

What am I doing wrong? Would appreciate any help please.

thank yu
WikiTree profile: William Henry Black
in WikiTree Help by Tony Corbett G2G Crew (620 points)
What is the size of the file? (Because size really does matter.)
thanks for the suggestion, the instructions on the upload page are:

"Select an image. Click the button to select a photo, source image, or Adobe PDF document on your computer. If you're having trouble, note that files need to be in JPG, GIF, PNG, or PDF format and be 10MB or less."

I can confirm that the document is under 10MB (1.2MB), and is in .pdf format.


It opens  just fine for me.

Are you expecting to see the image?  You won't, for a pdf.  All you will see, until you click it, is the adobe pdf symbol. 

Thank you Melanie. That may well be the problem (it was reported to me that the files would not open). Perhaps the person having the problem did the same as me when I tried to check, I only clicked on the file icon once, and I now see that you need to click the icon again when the new page opens. I will message her with this solution, and see what what happens. Phew, I thought I was going to have to repeat the upload process all over!

Thanks again, help much appreciated :-)

It is pretty common to be bamboozled by the way a pdf loads. smiley

I replied to the original comment advising there was a problem, and also emailed direct, just waiting to see if that is the problem fixed for her. Must admit, I get pretty well bamboozled with a lot on her myself! ;-)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
This looks like your attempting to upload it as an image file. This is why the pixels are at 0 since it's not an image (PDF = Portable Document File).

The following WikiTree Help link does provide some guidance regarding this.


Good Luck!

~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (342k points)
selected by Living Kerr
Thanks for the suggestion, but according to the instructions on the "upload image" page:

"Select an image. Click the button to select a photo, source image, or Adobe PDF document on your computer. If you're having trouble, note that files need to be in JPG, GIF, PNG, or PDF format and be 10MB or less."

I can confirm that the document is under 10MB (1.2MB), and is in .pdf format.

Ahhh... I now see what your referring to. My apologies as I can only plea "Temporary Insanity"... LOL!

I was able to download the pdf and extracted the image as a jpg.

Would you like me to send it to you or upload it to the individuals WikiTree profile?

EDIT: The pdf is still in the WikiTree Profile, but I had just removed it "only" as the thumbnail image on the Profile itself. Hopefully it's okay with you.

~Brian Kerr
Thanks, we all suffer from that, dome of us even enjoy it. ;-)

All is ok, I think the problem was after first accessing the pdf the person who could not open it may have not realised you needed another step to open the document  and the 0x0 pixel size confused us as well. In my haste to fix the problem I thought i could not open it either, hence the call for help.

Waiting to hear back from the member who reported the problem to see if there is still a problem for her.

Just let me know if you or the PM requires any further info and I'll do what I can to help out.

Just to clarify...

The "0x0 Pixel" is only specific to "Images" and not documents. When it comes to pdf files, it's completely normal for them to reflect a "0x0 Pixel".

The important thing is that the pdf files are appropriately labeled (meaning that others know what the file is) and referenced as well (for example, if it's a source document, be sure it's labeled/referenced appropriately under the profile sources. etc... etc...).

Good Luck to you and the PM! :-)

~Brian Kerr

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