I see this question has been asked a few times but none of the answers to other questions were able to help me. They talk about problems with old/new Gedmatch systems but that seems to be in the past now; I uploaded recently.
I have my GEDmatch kit ID entered in my Wikitree profile as you can see, and have my wikitree privacy set correctly . I don't use an alias. I have the kit privacy set to "Public, no Law Enforcement access".
I can use the link FROM wikitree to go to GEDmatch one-to-many and look at matches. But it doesn't show a link back from GEDmatch to Wiki next to my name for other people who match me.
In my GEDmatch kit management it says "No WikiTree link for this kit".
How do I fix it so that people who match me can go to my WikiTree page?
Not sure if it matters,but I use a different email address for GEDmatch than for wikitree.