2020 Mighty Maple Leaves Source-a-thon Chat

+17 votes

Come join the Mighty Maple Leaves for the 2020 Source-A-Thon!

The marathon starts Friday, October 2 at 8 AM (ET) and ends Monday, October 5, 8 AM (ET) but you don't need to participate the whole time!

Register for the 2020 Source-A-Thon by posting an answer on this G2G post! Make sure you indicate which team you would like to join!!

Check out the Source-A-Thon Help page to see how it all works.

Post your questions or let us know what you will be working on for the weekend!

Most of all, have fun as we work together to make the one tree better!

WikiTree profile: Space:Mighty_Maple_Leaves
in The Tree House by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (181k points)
edited by Christine Daniels
Answered on the main Source-a-thon post. But asked to join this team.
Found it Shirley! Thanks :)

I'm not a thon-er, but thanks to everyone who is! For anyone who wants to work on BC profiles and likes working out of a category, British Columbia, Unsourced Profiles has recently been refilled (currently sitting at 400+ profiles). 

Thanks Dale!!
Hey Dale and everyone else! A little bragging here but I not only sourced a husband and wife but changed the wife from unknown to her proper LNAB and found her parents already on WT! WOOT!

Bragging over...as you were.

WAY TO GO PEGGY!!!! Great job!!

Ok people.  I think that I am done of source things for BC for a while.

It was fun!

20 Answers

+11 votes
I'm planning to work on the Saskatchewan unsourced but I may end up bouncing all over because of frustration at SK's lack of decent records.
by David Carlson G2G6 Pilot (420k points)
Yes I agree!! Saskatchewan is a black hole for researching.

My go to's are either the Census Records, especially the 1926 Prairie Census, or, if you have a Newspapers.com account, the Regina Sun or Regina Leader-Post or sometimes the Saskatoon papers.

Does anyone else have any Saskatchewan tips??

If you don't have a newspapers.com account, start a 7-day free trial just before the Source-a-thon starts. ;-)

I may have to give that a try!

For anyone who hasn't yet noticed, the eHealth Saskatchewan Genealogy Index Searches site has recently been updated, and now includes births through 1919.

+10 votes
I plan to focus on Canadian profiles with surnames in my family tree, starting with Ontario.
by Richard Hill G2G6 Pilot (105k points)

Sounds good Richard!! I presume you have seen the Ontario: Unsourced Profiles list, but have you seen the Ontario Maintenance Categories? If you wanted to just focus on one type of record for instance.

+10 votes
I'll join and go comment on the thon post. I will probably do Quebec unsourced since I have a Drouin subscription but am happy to help with whatever!
by Kyla H G2G6 Mach 5 (57.7k points)
+10 votes
I answered this on the main G2G question. I don’t have a lot of time that weekend but will happily work away where I can. I am most familiar with Ontario and Alberta.
by Culley Schweger Bell G2G6 Mach 8 (81.3k points)
Every little bit helps!
+10 votes
I just registered and will work on Ontario profiles, if I can find unsourced early Niagara on the Lake that would be great. Is there a way to do that?
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (828k points)

Hi M,

Not entirely sure... a lot of the profiles do not have locations for birth and death so it makes it a bit more difficult.

What you could do is start with the Ontario, Unsourced Profiles and then use your search function to see if there are any profiles with Niagara (or Lincoln, or Welland) depending on what area you are looking for.

+9 votes
I also signed up for the Source-A-Thon and said to attack the Canadian Unsourced list. My post is quite in the beginning, I think page 2.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Yep! You have Bib 85!
+10 votes
I'm in, Christine. I'll work on BC then Nova Scotia.

by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (894k points)
Thanks Peggy!
+11 votes
Hi, I'm looking forward to it.  I will work Ontario and concentrating on French names to grow that component.. have fun everyone!
by Gilberte Renaud G2G6 Mach 1 (10.7k points)
Merci Gilberte!!
+10 votes

We at Nor'Easters wish you the best of luck in the 2020 Source-a-thon. Just over 8 hours to go before we kick it into high gear. And remember, HAVE FUN!!!!!

by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (422k points)

Thanks Steven!!! If you have any trouble wrangling allllll your Nor'Easters, I can take a few next time to lighten the load...


+11 votes
Hi all, not sure I have a strategy, or an area I will focus on yet.  I will probably just work through reports and hope I don’t step on anyone’s toes.  If there is a particular province you would prefer me to focus on, let me know

Wendy xo
by Wendy Taylor G2G6 Pilot (145k points)
Hi Wendy! Work wherever you wish!! Every little bit helps :)
+10 votes
I will also be doing mostly Ontario sourcing, but, who knows where I end up! I just follow the families
by Catherine Trewin G2G6 Mach 2 (21.5k points)
Thanks Catherine!
+10 votes
Good morning from the West Coast Maple Leaves! I am at work but will try to chip away on some Quebecois profiles. Good luck!
by Kyla H G2G6 Mach 5 (57.7k points)
Hi Kyla!
+9 votes
Why can I not see my name listed on the team tracker?

Does that mean that I am doing something wrong?
by Kathryn Penner G2G6 Mach 7 (71.3k points)
I'm not there either and I've done a couple so far, the last one I did notice it says does not count. They weren't ones that are listed on the unsourced list even though there were no sources listed. Are these the only ones counting even though it says otherwise?
also, I am not sure it updates in real time.

no I think that it says it will do it on Monday.

Dismissed suggestions and corrected errors will be removed on Monday with the next update. this is from the

Warnings in WikiTree: [Link Help] page for BC.

I have been essentially going to the profile, adding sources and removing the unsourced tag, hence I ask if I'm doing that wrong
in the end I suppose it doesn't matter as I don't care about points too much.
Hey! You are both on the tracker so you must have figured it out?

Just make sure that after you save the profile, you click on the Challenge Tracker button at the top of the profile, and choose "Source-a-Thon". The tracker updates every 5 minutes or so.
um... I still don't see that update or where to find the tracker....

is there a link?

My brain cannot figure this out today.

Here is the link: https://wikitree.sdms.si/Challenges/SourceAThon/2020/TeamAndUser.htm

When you use the tracker, you can also get there by clicking on "Scores".
+10 votes

Hey guys!!

I hope you are all having fun and not encountering too many issues with the Source-A-Thon!

I am here to help if you need anything, just post here or send me a PM. I will try to get back to you as fast as I can! Unfortunately, my trusty laptop suffered a traumatic injury this past week and now requires a new screen (children!) so I am working from my phone and a different computer. Hopefully it won't impair me too much!!

Have a look at the TEAM TRACKER if you want to see how you or the team in general are doing. We have 27 team members with 18 on the tracker and we are currently in 12th place. 

Check in with the LIVE CHATS and the PRIZE DRAW G2G. They use your Bib number to draw prizes; if you aren't sure what number you are, they are listed on the Team Space Page.

If you don't remember how the Source-A-Thon works, or if this is your first time participating, here are the rules from the Help Page:

If you find a valid source:

  1. Edit the profile to add the source, according to our Sourcesguide.
  2. Remove the {{Unsourced}} Research Note Box tag.
  3. Save the profile and click the Challenge Tracker button.
  4. On the Challenge Tracker, select the Source-a-Thon checkbox.
by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (181k points)

Here is a link to a VIDEO TUTORIAL. Fast forward to about 4:35 where Julie shows you how to track your work.

Anybody else having No Service error on the Challenge Tracker button response?

Is the Source-a-Thon overloading the server?
I am getting the same response on the tracker for about 20 minutes or so.
+7 votes
Good morning

WikiTree+ is down so as long as that doesn't work I add my profiles here. I now sourced



by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+8 votes
So far I have sourced 15 profiles, another one was sourced by someone else as I found out when I went to save the changes, 3 others had so little info on the existing profiles that it wasn't a good use of my time.

I will get back to this later tonight.
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (828k points)
+11 votes
I've got 17 profiles so far.  This would go much more quickly if I didn't get off on a tangent every time I look at one profile, update biography, start tracing the genealogy of parents and siblings, research interesting local history events in their lives, connect them to the global tree (wrong challenge), update wayward categories, find war information and add stickers andadd categories for cemeteries that don't yet exist on Wikitree.

But that's a day in the life of a typical Wikitreer.  It's all about improving the global tree!
by Matthew Evans G2G6 Mach 7 (77.7k points)
Way to go, Matthew! I get sidetracked too. But I say quality over quantity. Keep up the good work!
That's exactly what I found myself doing, and looking at the ancestors and descendants to check if they were sourced.

I also found a profile that I now manage that was unsourced, though having adopted almost 200 profiles of my husband's ancestors that were orphaned last week, I expect to encounter many more after the data doctors update today.

Edit: found answer to previous comment
+7 votes
FYI Also - I am focusing mainly on New Brunswick which is where most of my record-searching expertise lies.
by Matthew Evans G2G6 Mach 7 (77.7k points)
+7 votes
Hope you all had as much fun as I did.  Good thing it’s only once a year, though

Wendy xo
by Wendy Taylor G2G6 Pilot (145k points)
+7 votes
Sorry this weekend ended up being so busy. I hope you guys had a great Source-at-thon.
by Kyla H G2G6 Mach 5 (57.7k points)

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