Royal mess of Scandinavian name entry

+2 votes
Have been adding my mother's side the lineage of Swedes in Finland: generation 4 to 8.  First started adding as assumed first/middle/last(son/dotter)/farm(as other last).  Then read about patronymic naming and realized I've made a royal mess of over 200 names.  Even my grandmother whom I knew as Edith Amelia Paro/Wallin before her marriage, the Haldis book records her as Edith Emilia Johansdotter Haldin/Paro. [[Johansdotter-3488]]  Most of the entries are from my mother's hand written Family Group records.  Any recommendations on how to fix this mess??
WikiTree profile: Erick Wickstrom
in Genealogy Help by Eric Anderson G2G Crew (310 points)
retagged by Maggie Andersson

2 Answers

0 votes
Have you tried searching for people already on Wikitree under the correct LNAB as you now know them? You might find some already here, and all you would need to do is propose a merge between the two. Don’t forget to give your reason.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+1 vote
What is the the Haldis book? The link on the profile for Edith Amelia is not working. And where did the name Wallin and Paro come from?

I would suggest that you add as much sources to the profile as possible. Since you have very specific information on most of the profiles I looked at in the family around Eric and Ester I suppose they might actually not only be the memories of family members. If you have any sources for us to look at it would be much easier to answer your question.

Edited to add;

I added the Finland tag to your question and added some sources from the Finnish church books to a couple of profiles.
by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
edited by Maggie Andersson

Don't know why the link doesn't work but it should reference: Berg, Bjarne. Haldis. 2nd Ed. Solf: Förf., 1994.

Haldin, Paro, Varg were family farms.  My grandmother was to us (before marriage) Edith Amelia Paro, and changed to Wallin (from Wargelin) when arrived in USA.  Much of the sources my mother had were poor photocopies of original material and I have depended on her transcription.

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