As the PM, if you find that changes were made that are disproven/unsourced, you can always locate & revert the changes.
The following WikiTree Help link explains this part to you...
... The following is just a little helper (in my own words that is not verbatim in the above link).
If you select the Changes tab (at the top of that profile page), it'll take you to the following location...
... and then you can see who, what & when the changes were made allowing you to locate the before & after regarding each change.
For example, after going to the above link, scroll down to one of the listed changes and then select the link that states "edited the Biography". This will show you what was changed and where it was changed (aka the "before and after").
Long story short, you can restore the profile to the exact state it was in as of before the changes shown on any of the changes listed in the above change page.
For each of the "edited the Biography" options, you'll find a "RESTORE" button that will restore the profile back to where it was before that specific change was made.
The following WikiTree Help link provides PM clarity.
Lastly, before you think about reporting the individual(s) (if you feel that it's come to that point), you should try to make a "good faith" inquiry by reach out to the individual(s) who made the changes and inquire about the reason(s) for those unsourced changes. It's an opportunity for the individual(s) to explain and, possibly, provide you with a source you may not be aware of.
As a last resort, If that individual is Unresponsive/Unreasonable and/or even keeps making changes that are unsourced, you could then report this individual to WikiTree via email at for assistance & guidance with this.
I hope I had explained this okay via text and I do hope that your able to clear this up to everyone's satisfaction.
I wish you the best of luck! :-)
~Brian Kerr