Please help us choose and improve next week's featured profiles: Hamilton!

+20 votes

This coming week, the featured example profiles will be from the musical Hamilton.

We're searching for the best profiles of historical figures represented in the musical to feature alongside Alexander Hamilton in the Connection Finder. Could you help?

This space page has a list to work from, including a few we're getting started on:

Can you help with these profiles, or expand their families? Adding relatives in any direction helps with connections. Every missing relative you add will make our connections to them closer.

Who else should we feature? Do they need a profile?

All profiles need a good biography and a connection to the big tree. We also want each one to have an image, and the image needs to have proper source attribution explaining why it's in the public domain or why we have the right to display it.

We can't feature everyone mentioned in the musical (we only have room for eight per week), but if we don't feature a profile you work on, we may use it sometime in the future. And, of course, all contributions help improve our shared tree.

We'll make a final decision on which ones to feature early next week.

Please reply here with what you're working on so that we don't duplicate our efforts. Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Alexander Hamilton
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (791k points)

3 Answers

+13 votes
by anonymous G2G6 Mach 9 (99.6k points)
I also vote for Maria Reynolds :)
I think we needed a picture for her profile, otherwise she was connected, so sounds great, if we can find one!

There do not appear to be any images of Maria Reynolds / Clingman / Clement / Matthew née Lewis. 

There are some that are supposed to be her, but when investigated they are of Hamilton's wife, Elizabeth née Schulyer; or of Maria Anne Fitzherbert, longtime mistress of George IV, as painted by Joshua Reynolds.  (It seems her first name is linked to his last name, making a single person out of two totally different individuals.)

Melanie... you are good at untangling, LOL!  Hope you finished the family you were working on over the weekend.

I had found the Reynolds portrait listed on a number of sites as Maria Reynolds, but it just didn't seem right.  Which is why I kept digging, eventually finding one place that listed who the painter was.  After that it was easy to find who the subject of the portrait really was.


I am never finished!  And there's always more untangling to be done.  Been communicating with (living notable) regards our MRCA (and he tells me his son (living notable, involved with Eastenders) is more up with all that than he is and will be contacting me over the weekend), and as always one thing leads to another.  Shoe makers/boot makers, not cobblers, nor coal miners.  cheeky

some others from the musical: (Farmer Refuted) and (Blow Us All Away)
These are all listed on the space page linked above:
i noticed that after I listed them
We can use a generic image just this once so Maria can be in the lineup!

Abby -- instead of the generic image on WT, we could, maybe, use something such as this one :

The caption reads "Women's Fashion 1790s".

Cropped from a public domain image on women's fashion between 1775 and 1795.

It's clearly NOT her, but it's also clearly not anyone else either.  It is, however, possibly something that she may have worn. It's also better than the generic pink image with white female silhouette.

+10 votes
I plan to review Lafayette's biography. He's already connected with most of his close family entered.
by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (592k points)
+8 votes
I noticed that the great-great grandson of Lafayette married a Warren.  I was able to connect him to the Warren Family of New York City.  This family has quite a few notables which need to be added.  One notable married the 1st Baron Queenborough which takes the line to England.  Lafayette's profile should link to quit a few people.
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (457k points)
Good Job!
Hi Michelle,

Can you please clarify what you mean by "connected him to the Warren family of New York City"?  I had previously done this, by creating Constance's profile, adding Constance's father, several aunts and uncles, and her paternal grandmother.  I see that you added her paternal grandfather but you haven't yet extended the family beyond Constance's paternal grandparents.
Greg, I am still working on this, just wanted to get it out that there are American family connections that can be made to Lafayette's descendants, so that others may help link them.  

I worked on the Warren children, took their Miller line back to a man from 1768, and added the line to the Baron in England.  I will see what other fingers I can add to create links to other lines already on WikiTree, and to improve the profiles I created.  

Normally, I don't work with linking European profiles for I don't have the experience with their records, but when I saw the American connections, I got excited.  Thank you so much for adding Constance to her husband, for that was how I came across this on Lafayette's descendants list.
Greg, I just connected Mary Ida Warren's husband's sister to her son who married the daughter of Theodore Roosevelt.  Since you are the manager of the son, Richard Derby, I would let you know.

I hope this okay, for I don't want to step on any toes.
Wow, the connection of Lafayette to Roosevelt through Derby is not the shortest path.  Lafayette's great-great grandson's wife's sister-in-law was Alice Roosevelt, Teddy's daughter.  Who would have thought these families were so intertwined.
It's good to hear that you've been able to find additional connections to the Roosevelt family.  Please feel free to add and edit the relevant profiles as needed.

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