Suggestions News and Updates (September 20th 2020) [closed]

+15 votes


  • I added Difficulty rating to suggestions (Easy, Intermediate and Advanced). That identifies the required expirience to resolve a suggestion.
  • Pre1500 profiles for suggestion 921 were all unprotected as requested by pre1500 group. That was done after the dump, so ignore this suggestion until next week.
  • There was a bug in unconnected profiles showing more and more profiles, that were connected as unconnected. The problem was identified and should be corrected by the next dump.

Previous News

  • Made some data updates in the country table. I also added a column showing the item difference since the last week.
  • Added a new magic word construct Creator_ + WikiTreeID to the search engine. It finds all profiles that were created by that user. Here is an example for all profiles created by me. You can extend the search to find all profiles created by me and no longer managed by me by searching for Creator_Trtnik-2 NOT Trtnik-2
  • Added new suggestion 421 Hidden marriage on public or open profiles. A marriage can be hidden from displaying on the profiles. This is used for additional privacy. But using it on open and public profiels is not its intent. It is causing problems with suggestions, where you don't see the marriage on the profile and have no idea of what is wrong until you enter the edit mode, where you can see the marriage.
  • A new version of WikiTree+ Chrome extension is published. It has a few new things also usable to DD. Changes in version is 0.3.5 are:
  • Wikidata template got sameas parameter. It will function same as with FindAGrave template.
  • I added additional checking of template parameters. That was in suggestion 848. I created 4 new ones 894-897 that will cover all parameter problems. In suggestion 897 Error in template parameters I added checking of parameters that link to WikiTree pages. It is done for Categories, Projects, Space pages and Project Needs categories.
  • I prepared two new suggestions (591 FindAGrave - Possible father and 592 FindAGrave - Possible mother) that list all missing parent relations between existing profiles. The suggestion is based on FindAGrave relations. In cases where both profiles are linked to findagrave and there is a parent relation on findagrave and there is no parent on wikitree, it suggests the connection. Of course you should first check if both findagrave memorials represent the correct persons on wikitree. Then you should try to find a source for the parent claim and add the relation if everything checks out.
  • Added new magic word SourceJunkUnmergedMatchPendingMerge and templatetext=Andersson to WikiTree+ search engine.
closed with the note: Outdated
in The Tree House by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (846k points)
closed by Aleš Trtnik
"(Easy, Intermediate and Advanced)"

Thank you so much!

591 FindAGrave - Possible father Help (Difficulty: Easy)

Any of them before the 1850 US census are (Difficulty: Advanced), not Easy, from my point-of-vew.  Someone else might suggest (Difficulty: Intermediate) depending on how 'sourced' the profiles are, but certainly not Easy, given that findagrave does not require sources to connect people.

I don't think the timeframe should have impact on the difficulty.

All suggestions in pre1500 timeframe are hard to resolve due to the lack of sources. 1500-1700 are a bit easyer and so on.

Also some regions are easyer than others due to good access to online sources.

With 591 we have 2 profiles, that are not connected on wikitree and are on FindAGrave. If both profiles are properly sourced this should be a trivial suggestion to correct.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Optimized the search engine. The main performance gain is visible in complex queries like

Country=England Location=Yorkshire FirstName=Unknown OR Country=England Location=Yorkshire LastNameatBirth=Unknown

where one item has millions of matches. The order of words did have significant impact on the performance. Query

FirstName=Unknown Location=Yorkshire Country=England OR LastNameatBirth=Unknown Location=Yorkshire Country=England

was 20 times faster than the first one.

Now it doesn't matter. Both variants are fast.
by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (846k points)
+5 votes
4 location suggestions were missing from the report. That is now updated.
by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (846k points)

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