Nice notes from a great-grandma!

+10 votes
I just got a little Birthday record keeping book that my husband's great-grandma (profile linked below) kept. After she died her son kept writing in it. Her entries are in German - even though she was writing in 1956, 50 years after arriving in the US!  I cannot figure out a lot of the notes, any thoughts you might have are appreciated! Here is the album:

She was living in a Lutheran home for the elderly in Buffalo when writing, and she mentions visits from her family in Canisteo a couple of times. She sometimes uses English words and it appears to me she's a very creative speller. There's an entry from Thanksgiving where she just adds an umlaut to the word turkey and calls it a day!
WikiTree profile: Anna Hansen
in Photos by Amanda Dunker G2G4 (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
Like C-H is saying: I'm working on it.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
selected by Amanda Dunker
Thank you! I hope they are fun to read. She seemed so sweet from what I could understand!
30. April

Ende April 1956 ist unser lieber Mr. Hans Neumann gestorben. Die Adresse Carl Neumann ist Askton Playe, Glen Rock, N. Jersey

End of April our loved Mr Hans Neumann died. The address of Carl Neumann is Askton Playe, Glen Rock, N. Jersey
30 January

Kathy 1951

Am 30ten Januar der Todestag meines geliebten Mannes Heinrich Peter Hansen. Ruhe sanft, schlafe wohl, im Jahre 1946

On January 30th the anniversary of the death of my beloved husband Heinrich Peter Hansen. Rest gently, sleep well, in 1946
14 July

Werde morgen mit Ted Winnie die Familie zu Arthur nach Canisted fahren. Gott behüte uns.

I will be driving the family to Arthur's in Canisted tomorrow with Ted Winnie. God keep us.
Larry, 1959

19 JUly

Helen Clinten & Donald brachten mich wieder nach Buffalo! Es war so schön bei Arthur & Helen. Die Tage vergesse ich niemals. Vielen Dank für Euch Arthur & Helen. Auf Wiedersehen. Die Mutter

Helen Clinten & Donald brought me back to Buffalo! It was so nice at Arthur & Helen's place. I will never forget those days. Thanks a lot for you Arthur & Helen. Goodbye. The mother
20 July

Die Ladys im Heim freuten sich, daß ich wieder in Buffalo bin. Die Nahmen von Ann & Arthurs sind wie folgt.

The ladies at the retirement home were happy to have me back in Buffalo. The names of Ann & Arthurs are as follows.
11 June

Schwägerin Emma in Philadelphia

Mrs. Peterson Geburtstag

Sister in law Emma in Philadelphia
Mrs. Peterson Birthday
17 March

Werners Sohn "David" hat am 17ten März ein Töchterchen bekommen, ich meine seine "Frau", haha

Werner's son "David" got a little daughter on March 17th, I mean his "wife", haha
11 November

Bei Ted u. W, am Dangsagungsfest, es gab Türky. Just ein paar Tage vorher Mrs Peterson, Anline u. Bräutigam waren auch dort und Edna Strobel, es war sehr schön.

At Ted & W's, at the thanksgiving party, we had turkey. Just a few days before Mrs. Peterseon, Anline & Groom were there and Edna Strobel, it was very nice.
Ted Sick died in 1997, age 70

12 November

Arthur, Ann u. 2 Kinder Kathy u. Rikky bei mir. wir waren im Storehaus R. haben Weihnachtsgeschenke gekauft. Art. bekam ein weißes Hemdvon mir + Ann ein Nadelkießen. nachmittags sind sie abgefahren nach Canister, es war so schön. ich freute mich sehr

Arthur, Ann and 2 children Kathy and Rikky with me. We went to Storehaus R. and bought Christmas presents.Art. got a white shirt from me + Ann a pincushion. in the afternoon they went to Canister, it was so beautiful.
10 September


am 11ten September 1955 wurde Christine Phoebe Jentsch, die Tochter von Hans Bolko Wilhelm Jentsch in Cliveland, Ohio getauft, ein Weisenkind!

On September 11, 1955 Christine Phoebe Jentsch, the daughter of Hans Bolko Wilhelm Jentsch, was baptized in Cliveland, Ohio, an orphan!
11 September

am 10ten September 1877

der Geburtstag unseres geliebten, guten Väterchens.

on September 10, 1877
the birthday of our beloved, good father
12 September

Gott sei Dank!

unser Hochzeitstag!

am 12 September 1952, in Pittsburg, Bruder Wilhelm hielt die Trauung, bis dahin war mein nahme Anna Jentsch, jetzt bleibt er "Anna Hansen"

Thank God!
our wedding day!
September 12, 1952, in Pittsburg, Brother Wilhelm held the wedding ceremony, until that day my name was Anna Jentsch, now he remains "Anna Hansen
It is done, 12 pages completed.

Good luck.
That's amazing, thank you so much!
+5 votes
I'm not answering this question. This is a vote of support for good news like this one. Dieter has earned his gold star. Good job.
by Steve Thomas G2G6 Pilot (140k points)
edited by Steve Thomas
+3 votes
I'm happy for you, Amanda. It's great to find or run across things from family. :)
by Greta Moody G2G6 Pilot (206k points)

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