Have you experienced a login session problem? [closed]

+7 votes

Hi WikiTreers,

After our changes this morning some members are experiencing a serious problem where they lose their login during an edit. If you have experienced this, can you answer here?

If you will, please include:

  1. What browser are you using?
  2. Are you on a mobile device?
  3. What were you doing at the time you got the error? Were you editing a new profile or creating a new one?

Thank you, and our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.


closed with the note: This thread was about a specific change in 2020. New bug reports deserve a new G2G.
in The Tree House by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
closed by Ellen Smith

10 Answers

+8 votes
Safari Mac OS, not a mobile device, editing an existing profile.
by Michael Schell G2G6 Mach 5 (52.4k points)

Thanks for this, Michael. For our reference, separately you added: "I would note that Safari did a relatively big update earlier this week and that has caused me other problems since the update. For example, Newspaper Archive is flagging session ID issues after a certain number of logins and I need to restart the browser to again be able to login.  Also, the newest Safari is interfering with a third-party window-switching program I have installed." 

I’m on an iPad, but I haven’t done the new 14.0 update yet. No issues being experienced by me.
+8 votes

Member RJC reported this problem via email this morning. For our reference: He is on AT&T using Google Chrome. He notes: "I've discovered that if I only make a few edits at a time, then save, then a few more, there's no problem with WikiTree."

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Chris, I've started just making a few edits, saving, few edits, saving...  etc.  By doing this, I haven't received the gotten the banner about logging in and saving in a new profile.

I don't care to continue saving so frequently, however, since when Jillaine or I (Leaders of PGM) check the changes log daily, there are so many changes to review.

Is this problem fixed yet?  I hope you'll notify us when it is fixed so we can go back to saving larger portions.  Thank you.
+8 votes

Hi Chris,

I'm using recent (if not the latest) versions of Firefox/Windows on a laptop.

I encountered an error message regarding an expired token and asking me to login in a separate tab and to copy over all my changes to the new tab. This error message occurred when I attempted to save via the Add Spouse button, data that I had entered in the Add Spouse (new profile) screen. I had probably started that particular edit session 5+ hours before, but got distracted. I appeared to still be logged in. I copied my work from the Notes box (in-line source definitions and abstracts), just in case, but was able to click the Add Spouse button on my original edit session again which appeared to successfully create the new profile and spousal link.

But it appeared that the marriage date and place info that I had entered on the Add Spouse page did not get saved. I'm not sure if that is related to the issue that Paul Masini described here on the main post for these recent updates regarding GEDcompare marriage info. I went back in and added the missing marriage info a few minutes later.

Please let me know if you need any additional information.


by Rick Peterson G2G6 Pilot (194k points)
+7 votes
I've reported this previously, but to answer the rest of the questions, I'm using Firefox on a W10 laptop.  I was editing an existing profile.

And altho the message said I need to login again, I was in fact still logged-in.
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (179k points)
Hi Lois.

Thanks for the additional information.

Did you just receive this message again, in the past half hour?

We implemented a temporary change that should prevent the problem from happening tonight for most members. If it does happen tonight for you, that will help us narrow it down.

Thanks again,

No, I just made the changes again to the profile (Bacon-3495) and saved them without trouble. There was a new "Saving" banner briefly displayed.
+7 votes
1. Using Safari 14.0

2. Mac desktop.

3. Trying to save edits (formatting and added sources) to a profile. (Algood-21) that I do not manage but is an open profile. Still "SAVING" after nearly 5 minutes. Once (I think Monday) I lost my login. Now, it just isn't saving.

* I have had trouble the past few days if I try to add too many EDITS or SOURCES to any profile without saving each of them individually.
by Carole Bannes G2G6 Mach 5 (55.5k points)
I can confirm Carole's observation that the problem is more likely to occur if the time between the last save and the next one is long, sometimes up to one hour between saves--that is usually because I had added a lot of changes to the profile before saving.  I have not experienced this problem today.
+6 votes
I use Google Chrome and have Windows 10. I had a log in problem 2 days ago. I rebooted and can login; however, as Carole and Michael mentioned, I have had to save edits and sources frequently. I've also been seeing green boxes pop up that say 'saving' or whatever, which seems new to me. A bit disconcerting.
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+4 votes

Just happened today, 10/7/2020.  Using browser: Google.  Not mobile device.  I was editing a an old profile.  I followed instructions in the message;  "save my edits after logging into a new window and save edits from here to there," so thankfkully, nothing was lost this time. 

profile: John Osborn-182. 


The "Please report your experience here" did not work.  I just searched g2g until I found this post.

Here is the code I was instructed to give in the notice: 


by Cheryl Skordahl G2G6 Pilot (298k points)
+4 votes

Had this happen just now - 14 Oct, about 13:45 MT

  • Using Firefox 81.0.1 on OSX 10.15.7
  • Creating a new profile
  • code 100-c
  • The link in the alert box isn't correct, it looks like it's including quote marks around part of the URL
  • Edit: after re-logging in in a separate tab, i could reload the profile page and save it with no problems.

by Andy Cranston G2G3 (4.0k points)
I agree with Andy: The link in the alert box is formatted incorrectly. The link took me to https://www.wikitree.com/”/g2g/1110414/have-you-experienced-a-login-session-problem” rather than this page, which is https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1110414/have-you-experienced-a-login-session-problem
+4 votes
I was told to report code 100-a

This happened to me this evening (23 October, here in the U.S., but 24 October UTC time), about 10:20 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time. I was using Firefox 81.0.2 (64-bit) for Windows, on my laptop (not a mobile device). I had spent about 30 minutes typing a large chunk of content to an existing profile, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Flint-979 , and when I went to save my progress I got the message about  a "session" problem.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+4 votes
Yes everyday.

Using my laptop with Chrome.

I was adding sources. Both new and old.

by Living Johnson G2G6 Mach 1 (18.6k points)

Debbie, this thread is about changes made in 2020. If you are having problems now, it would be best to start a new G2G to describe what's going on now.

I have, thank you.

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