Is my 2nd great grandfather a notable?

+4 votes
Though I’m still gathering all information on Captain Mathew Kersey. kersey-533. It appears he may be a notable. He was an inventor , a ship’s captain and builder as well as a leading board member of the Alexandria Railroad and Shipping company and was employed by Smoot. He had his hand in many dealings and was mentioned in at least 50 news articles and articles written about him in maritime magazines. Also a humanitarian. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in giving me insight and direction. Thank you Kelly
WikiTree profile: Mathew Kersey
in The Tree House by Kelly Kersey G2G6 Mach 1 (13.8k points)

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Because we use Wikipedia as our standard for Notables, the initial question always is whether or not he's currently on Wikipedia. If he is not, then it get complicated. Note that there are a few exceptions to this (like those listed in the National dictionaries of biographies, for example).

So if you want to qualify someone for Notables, you essentially have to qualify them for Wikipedia. This doesn't mean you have to submit them to Wikipedia and have a page built before you can qualify them for Notables, but you have to go through a similar process. This means outlining why they are Notable, laying out the proof behind their notability, and demonstrating why they stand above others in their field, or their peers, or others who have done similar things. Generally, Notables members will respond as to whether they agree or disagree as to whether the individual meets (or exceeds) the standards for notability, or needs further research before a decision can be made.

If you document the profile with the appropriate information, it's generally easier as the information is then all in one place for a discussion to be held. Let me know if you have questions.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Kelly Kersey
+7 votes
Is he on Wikipedia?
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
No he is not. I was not even aware of how semi famous he was untill I started exploring. I haven’t even begun to add all the articles. It also appears that his so who had been captured in the war also kept his wife and himself on the front page with letters back and forth with Washington and letters with General Fizhugh Lee. It appears that all goings on with his family were in the society pages from parties to travels and Maritime and war including Free Mason gatherings and minutes.

You can add a Freemason sticker, too, if you wish.  Just replace the bolded text below with your guy's appropriate information.

{{Society Member|society=Freemason|post=Lodge Unanimity, 227, New South Wales}}

Thank you
Kelly, don't add his name.  The sticker will automatically do that for you.  The template needs to begin with {{Society Member|society=Freemason|

Then you add his Lodge/s.
Well that did the trick, thank you.

Looks much better!  yes

+5 votes
Fixed the nonmigrating ancestor sticker for you.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
Thank you

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