why can others mess about on my wikiTree?

+1 vote
in WikiTree Help by Living Corrie G2G Crew (400 points)
There are a small number of sites where the information you enter can be changed or edited by others. FamilySearch / Family Tree is also of this type.

There are a number of sites where your family tree cannot be changed by anyone other than those you give access to. In some cases you can make these private, and determine who has access. Ancestry, My Heritage, Geneanet, and some others are of this type. These have both free and paid memberships, with the paid ones having more available features.

Desktop programs give you the ultimate control, but perhaps with a bit less security due to the potential for hardware failure.

All of these have different features. Personally, I think a desktop system in conjunction with a web application is the best alternative. Choose which one best suits your needs.
I have went back 6 generations and i have merged, i have read Honour code, I know it's not my tree. I know some people like to be snooty, but that's not what i'm talking about, i'm not talking about genuine mistakes, I'm not even talking about careless mistakes I'm talking about people taking names off my web page and starting new separate pages (Trees) with absolutely nothing on them other than that 1 name on them, then expecting me to thank them and say how good they are! This has happened more than once and this is what i am talking about! People      messing about so they get higher ranking/label/votes/badges!!

I don't need shouted at (COLLABORATE!!) or condescended too! I understand the concept and/or premise of working together to build the Tree. I specified my wikitree rather than ours to highlight that I can only speak to what is happening on My WikiTree as specified on top right hand corner of pages by WikiTree designer/creator(s).

I must say as a very new member that I am totally overwhelmed by the informative, courteous, kindness that I have been welcomed by - most definitely not!!!
Thank you George.

Marion Corrie
When you say they are taking a name off your webpage, what do you mean by 'your web page'?  Do you mean one particular Wikitree ID or do you mean something that is not on wikitree? If someone is taking a name that you created on wikitree and creating a duplicate of the same person, then that record should be merged since we only want one profile per person on wikitree site.
Can you post a link to one of these new pages with nothing on them? I don’t think we know what you’re describing. This sounds very unusual — perhaps just a problem with one unusual member.

3 Answers

+23 votes
Because it's not 'your' WikiTree.  It's 'our' WikiTree.  Have another read of the concept of a one, single tree:

by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
And once you get back a couple of generations it’s quite likely that there are others here who connect to the same ancestors.

But Maron does point out a contradiction: wikitree has a main drop down menu called "My Wikitree". 

+15 votes
Wikitree is about one world tree, trying to join us all to that one tree. As long as people are adding correctly sourced information, then it improves the tree.

If you are having problems understanding the changes then ask questions here.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+7 votes
You might want to read over the Honor code again. The one that you signed when you joined Wikitree.


One of the biggest rules is that we COLLABORATE!!  So collaboration and cooperation is a big thing here.

You must also understand the concept that your ancestors are not just your ancestors. They can also be other peoples ancestors as well. So other people have every right to add their ancestors to yours (as children or siblings) and also add new sources. This is how wikitree works.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
I apologise if you took my capitalised Collaborate as shouting.

I was not shouting. I wrote that in capitals just to emphasise.

Perhaps i should use Bold in the future if I want to emphasise something. Must keep that in mind.

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