Help with a German Marriage record [closed]

+2 votes
I need some help with the following marriage record (which I would love to have translated)  [Record # 7]

The record is from Forchtenberg, where Joh. Michael was married.  It states he was "zu Unterkessach" and his father was "zu Kochersteinsfeld".   Does this mean that they were living in these particular villages, or they were born in these villages.     I'm going to have to do page by page research and I want to be sure I'm looking in the right place.   Thanks for you help !
closed with the note: Answered
in Genealogy Help by Steven Beckler G2G6 Mach 2 (29.9k points)
closed by Steven Beckler

1 Answer

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Working on it
by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
selected by Steven Beckler
It reads in translation: "Johann Michael Müller, single, miller in Unterkessach, legitimate son of the late Jacob Müller, burgher and miller in Kochensteinsfeld, and Maria Barbara, legitimate daughter of the late Joh. Adam Muniken, burgher and miller at the "Miterl" mill here, were married 22 August."

I would read the places as being their residences, not their native villages. Thus, I would look for the birth of this Johann Michael in Kochensteinsfeld.
Thank you.  With your help I was able to get Maria Barbara's family back 5 generations.  Now I am working on the Müller side.  Unfortunately, ancestry hasn't indexed the records for Widdern (Unterkessach) or Kochersteinsfeld so it will be a much more tedious adventure.

Thanks again (including for the translation)
Yeah, I know about the tediousness. I have at least 250 years worth of ancestors in Frankenberg in northern Hesse, and the church books there (or anywhere in northern Hesse) haven't been filmed or indexed by the Mormons/, so I'm going through them and creating my own index (which is definitely tedious work).
Have you thought of petitioning the archives to digitalize them and put them on the internet ?   There was recently a petition done for the archives in Regensburg which collected 3 times the number of signatures than they had hoped for.   The archives are now reviewing the petition and we are hoping to hear something positive soon.
Oh the records are online at archion. It is just, as you know yourself, archion merely puts the images online and doesn't index them.
Sadly True !

At least you have the advantage of being able to speak the language !   I'm learning as I go.  So far I'm learning  Norwegian, Czech, French Canadian and German.

Since it sounds like you have a membership to archion, maybe I can get your opinion on this record.

I think it is a marriage record for Jacob & Magdalena (a widow ?) but got entered in the baptism section of the register.  When the priest realized what happened, he "X" out the records.  Unfortunately, I have not found it re-entered anywhere.  Thoughts ?

That's not a marriage record, but a record of a stillborn child. It reads: "17 Nov Jacob Müller and Magdalena his wife had a dead son born to them." Not sure why this and the two other records at the bottom of that page were Xd out.
Darn.... I was really hoping that was their marriage record.  I can only find a few of their children, but no birth or marriage record for Jacob.   Thanks - you helped me from going astray !

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