change mother name

+1 vote
When I started profile for William Corder-382   I had Patience as his wife, Dunlin-4 After   looking further into this and emailing back and fourth to a distant cousin who is a member of wikitree and a Corder  he confirmed what I found years ago that ALice is his wife. How do I go about changing the wife??? Since it is my profile I started in 2015  may I change?? I emailed Larry Smith and asked if he would mind I would change the name?? He is set as profile manager after me.

I placed notes at the bottom of each  profile hoping someone  would answer.

Thanks MAry
in The Tree House by Mary Gulish G2G6 Mach 5 (54.4k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Changing the wife is actually easier than changing her name, if you are sure that Patience and Alice are really two different persons.  You should have evidence to back up your change and make a Note on the relevant biographies, citing the evidence and explaining the changes you have made and why.

To remove Patience, go to the Edit screen on William's profile and choose Edit family > Spouses > add/remove spouse. Choose Remove, then enter Patience's Wiki ID #.

To add Alice, if she already has a Wiki ID, do the same thing with Add.  If she does not, choose Add and create a new profile for her, with an appropriate source.
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (179k points)
edited by Lois Tilton

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