A death in Australia, but the burial in England [closed]

+2 votes
Might this result in the death also being registered in England. We know the death occurred in Australia because it was in the paper and noted the rough area of the death, but then there's a death record in England too. He was a harbour pilot by the looks of it.  There's a FindAGrave, which I've requested a headstone for, but I'm wondering if this is what would prompt a death registration in not one, but two countries.
WikiTree profile: Sharrock Vincent
closed with the note: Thanks to Melanie Paul for showing my tired head the math.
in The Tree House by Raewyn Vincent G2G6 Mach 8 (80.5k points)
closed by Raewyn Vincent

The 1907 guy's birth - - -

GRO Reference: 1849  M Quarter in TRURO UNION  Volume 09  Page 351


The next trick is to find which brother/cousin married Ms Spry.

(Sherrock is likely a mistranscription of Sharrock.)

Marriages Mar 1846 

Spry  Mary Ann    Truro  9 331


Vincent  Nicholas    Truro  9 331


It's probably in the family I'm working on now, I suspect. But I won't know until I get there....it's interesting...I'm at a brickwall with my Vincents, so why not help someone else? Thank you for yours, also!

I'm guessing this is the husband of Mary Ann Spry --- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Vincent-7433

Quite possibly.  That was added last night, I think. I thought it was another Nicholas in the family.  I think I'm going to call it a day. I can see I'm starting to make mistakes and that's bad enough in your own tree. I don't want to mess up someone else's.

I'm happy to have helped you, so now I go back to yet another difficult family -- my Smith and Purves lines.  Smith.  In England.  cheeky

If the Sharrock Vincent who died in 1907 in Queensland was 49, then this birth registration is more likely to be him

GRO Reference: 1858  S Quarter in TRURO  Volume 05C  Page 168

And this birth entry from the Royal Cornwall Gazette, may also be him.

Yep, thanks --  that's the one already attached to the profile. smiley

It was the seemingly doubled-up death registrations we were really sorting out.  (Wasn't a double-up - - was  two different guys - cousins, it seems.)

Just to add to this story -- the two 1907 Sharrock Vincent deaths - firstly, they are cousins, their MCRA being Nicholas Vincent and his wife Jane Woon.  Among their many children were a Nicholas, and a Sharrock (the one whose death was 1878, as I posted earlier here).  Nicholas the younger married Mary Ann Spry (also as I posted),  and they had Sharrock (1849-1907).  Sharrock the elder married Ann Rickard, and they had Sharrock (1858-1907).

Now comes something new - 1849  Sharrock and his wife Mary Pearce played host to 1858 Sharrock at their home on Norfolk Road, Falmouth, in 1881, when 1858 Sharrock was an apprentice Pilot (that's boats, not aeroplanes).

So the cousins knew each other.  It's interesting that they died the same year.
Thanks Melanie...

Yes, I determined boat pilot (harbour pilot most likely) since my great uncle was one (he also drowned).

I figured they were related somehow! It's an unusual name.

Thank you again,


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