Duplicate profiles for Homer Alfred created by me, 2nd by Karl Malamud-Roam.

0 votes
Profile for Homer Alfred Stockton (ID ), my grandfather, was created by me and a 2nd profile (ID2006) was created by Karl Malamud-Roam, his half brother. I have requested via PM that  Mr. Roam look over the profile I created and, if he agrees with the information, to merge the 2 records. He still has not responded to either of my 2 PMs to him. Can you help with this?
in Genealogy Help by Carla Cowart G2G Rookie (250 points)

1 Answer

+5 votes

Stockton-2006 (managed by Karl), is open, but its already set as a "rejected merge"

you'll need to remove the rejected match and set them as a merge match (start with the compare link). Karl will then need to approve the match.

After 30 days, if Karl doesn't approve, it will go into default approval, and you'll be able to complete the merge then.

However, since your Stockton-2207 is private, I'm not sure the 30 day clock will run. You can open the privacy until after the merge clock runs out, and the merge is complete.

by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (590k points)

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