Unable to upload birth date for my ancestor in 1685. Page rejecting it

0 votes
I have uploaded all my tree from the present up to Job Grant B 1685 but the page will not accept it.
in WikiTree Help by Paul Grant G2G Crew (690 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Are you pre-1700 certified?
by Daniel Bly G2G6 Mach 9 (90.9k points)
selected by Paul Grant
Very many thanks. I had not thought of that, however, having looked at the requirements for joining pre-1700 I really do not have the time to qualify, which is a great pity as I can go back to 1585 at present.
Paul, I would be glad to add the date if you provide me with name and wiki # and the information and source that needs to be added.
If I remember right, qualifying takes like 10 minutes. It’s not arduous.
Thanks for this. Yes, I agree that the actual process for signing up to it is only a few minutes, but the commitment after that appears to be fairly substantial and while I absolutely see the need for it, I cannot give that time as I am currently in the process of writing two books and also editing another for a friend.
Thank you Daniel. My Wiki # is 13557 (I think) but how do I identify a number for other relatives? I am not very clever with this technical stuff.
Once you are pre-1700 certified, there is no additional commitment. You can edit pre-1700 profiles as much as you want, or not at all. There are very few tasks at Wikitree that require any official commitment -- being a project leader or a coordinator, or being members of certain projects where you volunteer time, like mentoring, rangering, greeting, etc.
Thank you for this. I have to say that I am mightily impressed by all the helpful advice and the speed with which it is given.

I will look again at registering for pre-1700.
The wiki name and number appears in the green area just below the basic profile data, right under "profile manager"
+2 votes

As Daniel says, you don't have the pre1700-badge. See https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Pre-1700_Profiles

and https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Pre-1700_Projects and the related self-certification. Note that sources are mandatory on those profiles.

by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (343k points)

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