Help with German baptismal record [closed]

+5 votes

Need help with a translation for the following baptismal record located on archion

Thank you !

closed with the note: answered
in Genealogy Help by Steven Beckler G2G6 Mach 3 (30.3k points)
closed by Steven Beckler

1 Answer

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Working on it
by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.5k points)
selected by Steven Beckler
I presume you want the one towards the top with all of the scribbling around the actual baptismal record?
Everything between the two lines... it's so clustered I can only make out a few words.

I can tell Hans & Apollonia had a son Simon, but is there another son, Johannes ?
What I can make out is:

For the actual baptismal record (in relatively large script), in translation: "A child baptised, named Simeon, on 15 [not quite certain on that second digit, could possibly be a 3] March / Parents Hans . . . feld [I cannot make out the first 4 letters of the word, the second letter appears to be an "h"] Appolonia his wife / Godfather Jacob Reicherdt"

There is a lot of annotation in smaller script, which seems to be all in Latin, and which I cannot really make out except in snippets here and there. Perhaps Dieter has some ideas here.
Say, do you have a marriage record for Hans and Appolonia? I think the annotation in the upper right corner is saying something about Johannes . . . feld marrying 21 January 1621, which would mean Appolonia would already have been pregnant with Simeon and thus subject to church discipline.
Thanks for your help.  I found a marriage record for Hans Ehrenfeld and Apollonia Hoffman on the 21Jan1621.  It looks like there is a "21 Ja" in the right corner.  Maybe it references  their marriage.  I'm looking Hans son of Hans Ehrenfeld in the same time period and was hoping it was a twin.

This looks like a child for the Hans that married in 1621 ?

Johannes, son of Hans Ehrenfeld married Appolonia (daughter of Jacob ?).  I don't see a date -maybe 24th Feb ?

Actually, I think this record confirms that this Johannes was a twin of the Simon born in 1621. Note that the handwriting is different than in the entries immediately above. And the marginal annotation on the right-hand side is "Natus anno 1621" (i.e., born 1621 - the squiggle after "Nat" is the abbreviation used for a terminal "us" at the time). Moreover, the third line is not "daughter of Jacob", but "godfather [Gevatter in German] Jacob Reicherdt" - so it is the same godfather as for Simon.
That would explain why I don't see a different baptismal date.  Interesting that they would record it in the 1618 portion of the register rather than closer to the other record.

Thank you for your help !   This one was very confusing for me.

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