some garbage i made

+4 votes
can someone deal with Terubotsken-1 (and descendants), it's some hot garbage i made when I wasn't even old enough to use this site and there's no sourced information anywhere. the transliteration is poop cyrillic interepretation that isn't valid and i've wanted to close up this hole for a while now. i have no intention of further using this site but i don't want these profiles to be abandoned. all the people involved do exist and i know most of them in real life, becuase they are my direct family. I know there are interesting stories here but i have no means (or intent) of telling or finding them.
WikiTree profile:
in Genealogy Help by A Horton G2G Crew (530 points)
edited by A Horton

5 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
Hi A.,

I'm a WikiTree Greeter and we'll forward this information on to the group that can address how to proceed with  these profiles.    Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)
selected by Cheryl Hess


I heard back from the WikiTree group that can provide assistance with this issue.    I was told if you close both your accounts,  since the profiles are private they would be deleted.  Apparently you have two WikiTree IDs... 

Would you like for them to close the accounts for you?????
+7 votes
Well, a "w" instead of a "v" is very typical for any person who has a slavic name in a Germanic country, or who has passed through a Germanic country so I wouldn't worry too much about proving that particular point.

Can you tell us why you don't want to continue at wikitree? Is it research related?
by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (213k points)
not referring to iwanow, that's a family name. the other last name there is worthless
+5 votes
A. It sounds like you care about your family history, because if you didn't you would have just left WikiTree and not said a word about the profiles to anyone.

I am interested in why you say you have no means of telling or finding them.  WikiTree is free, and there are other websites that you can use to find sources that are free.

Whatever the case may be, thank you for bringing these up in the g2g forum so someone has a chance to take care of them for you. Maybe you might want to orphan them so someone could adopt the profiles you do not want.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.9m points)
unfortunately i don't have the password to the original account that is currently the PM of everything. so I don't know if orphaning the profiles is an option.
+5 votes
i should have been more clear about this. although this profile specifically stands out as hot garbage that i made, all of the profiles related are kinda bad and empty.
by A Horton G2G Crew (530 points)
also, i noticed that this has a lot more views then other questions asked at the same time. guess that's what putting the word garbage in your title does

for further clarification: all profiles related to Horton-7216 are the direct problem and i don't know why the text is suddenly bigger here. 

i was able to get into the account linked to horton-7216

A. Horton,

Just in case you didn't see my earlier comment.  Here's what I posted:

I heard back from the WikiTree group that can provide assistance with this issue.    I was told if you close both your accounts,  since the profiles are private they would be deleted.  Apparently you have two WikiTree IDs...

Would you like for them to close the accounts for you?????

KEEP IN MIND,  if you don't close your accounts,  you can merge them and then edit the profiles to meet your satisfaction and standards of WikiTree.

Whatever you decide,  THANK YOU for cleaning up these profiles.  smiley 

+2 votes
Hi Again A.,

Just say  "Yes"  and we're poised to delete both your accounts and the attached private profiles will be deleted too.


by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)
Yes. Is it too late for that?

EDIT: actually is it too late now to say don't delete the actual account profiles for myself but delete everything else?

EDIT: I figured out how to it myself and cleaned up all the garbage, no more action will need to be taken but I'm not deleting my own account unless I decide i 100% don't want to wikitree anymore. I'd also like help setting up the merge of my two profiles

Good luck!  I think you need to e-mail WikiTree Admin.

Try this link.

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