New Vietnam War Records from Phan Rang Air Base

+5 votes

New Vietnam War Records at Fold3.

New Vietnam War Records from Phan Rang Air Base

in The Tree House by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (440k points)

4 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
My husband flew a C-141 for two years (1968-1970), and flew supplies into Vietnam. In (1970-1971) he was stationed in Phan Rang, as he was flying an HH-43 rescue helicopter. He has a photo album with about 100 photos from the year he was stationed at Phan Rang. I have never posted any of the photos, since I do not have any idea about who is in the photos except for my husband. I would be happy to share these photos if anyone is interested.
by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Yes please Alexis I would love to see them very much
Alexis, you may want to start a Free-Space page for them. The Military and War Project may want to add a link to their resources. That would be great, and it is always possible that someone may recognize their ancestor in a picture. Then they could identify them. You have a treasure with those photos.
Thank you Susan, you are so wonderful—the way you encourage me to do things.
Well Alexis  you are the wonderful,  because I really love your amazing photos, and your photos are so amazing I want more. You have a big collection that are so wonderful
+3 votes
My father was based there from 1967-68. He was a C-130 pilot but served primarily as Operations Officer. He was there with a bunch of Aussie pilots and they had a great time!
by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (229k points)
edited by Mark Burch
Alexis may have photos of your father. If she post them you will have to look through them.
Mark, reading about your father and his military career was certainly interesting, and his receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross Is certainly a remarkable accomplishment.
+3 votes
Laura, I have no clue how to do a Free-Space page, but I know you are right. The other thing that I have is the WWII photo album from the USS Robley D. Evans. My father-in-law was the ship’s minor medical officer and official photographer. The ship saw a great deal of action in WWII, and because of this—it is the only ship that has a room dedicated to it on the USS Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. The photos in the room have been taken from the album I have. Also a book was written called The Fighting Bob, and those photos are from this album. Most of these photos even have names. Oh my, I guess I have a great deal of learning and work to do.
by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (897k points)

If you decide to, it is just like creating a profile. On your profile in the top right corner you will see Add. The drop-menu at the bottom will have New Thing, click on that and you can set the page up. Then you edit and add photo's to it the same way you would a profile. You can always find it in your watchlist. You have two tabs Free-Space Profiles and Person Profiles. It will be under the Free-Space Profiles.

No pressure, just some information for future reference in case you are interested in setting a page up. It appears you have a lot of great things. It would be wonderful if you have the time and were able to share them. Thank you for sharing all you have already. smiley

Just don't use punctuation in the name, because that messes up the URL.
Thank you Melanie for your helpful comment.
Thank You Laura for explaining how to make a free space

Page, you explain it brilliantly
+3 votes

Thank you Laura. I started the Free-Space page, and I added this photo of my husband's HH-43 and the 38th ARRS. My husband is standing 5th from the right. I called it Phan Rang Air Force Base. 

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (897k points)

Alexis, that is a wonderful picture! That is a handsome husband you have.smiley 

I am so happy that you started that page. Now, other members will be able to enjoy your photos and, some may find their own family members in them.

This is an amazing contribution, thank you!

Thank you Laura, your directions were perfect. So far I have put on five photos. This will certainly give me a place for them, and I am excited about a place for the ship photos.
Wow alexis what a magnificent photo, I found your husband.

And the dog in the front.

What a absolutely clear old photo. With the chopper in the back.

Thank You sweet Alexis for sharing, congratulation setting your new free space page  in, and thank You to Laura for explaining it so it sound easy to make, wonderful

Went into your new side and look at your wonderful photos Alexis

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