Would it be possible to have more than one profile link on G2G questions?

+12 votes
Asking a question about 2 men just now, would be handy if we could enter more than one WikiTree ID in the space for such on G2G.  Would it be possible?  Right now it only allows a single ID entry.
in WikiTree Tech by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (728k points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson

laugh Might want to copy that to WikiTree Tech -- they might be willing to "put it on the (very very long) list of things to do" 

BUT at least they now know at least TWO people are interested in that sort of option ... 

I think -- not sure -- that if the two or more persons were related in some way, by marriage, blood, locale, religion, emigration path, occupation, something that would "categorize" them, that WikiTree Tech might be more willing to consider it?  

the question that made me ask this is exactly about two men whose sibling relationship needs to be established, as uncertain right now.

laugh Thinking of all the apps WT provides, if that's what they are (apps) for looking at relationships and connections and looking at paper trails and looking at DNA comparisons and ... the relationship is still uncertain? 

So what is lacking is a document or two where they are stated to be siblings.  

Not sure being able to put both of their WT ID# on the same form (like what I am writing on) at the same one time would be helpful, excepting it provoked someone one to hold up the documentation and yell "Here, I have it here!!" 

Myself, I would just drag and drop their profile URL, both of them, onto the form (used to ask a question) ...  

Well, I don't know, but I suppose if WikiTree Tech looks at the idea, and likes it, they'll add it to the list of improvements -- I think they tend to work first on the apps or improvements that have "a lot of popular demand" 

apps get developed by a variety of members, from what I can tell.  This wouldn't be an app so much as something integral to the G2G programing.
This is unlikely to be possible. This forum operates on third-party software, and WikiTree has in the past been reluctant to do extensive customization of it.

Although the software allows only one profile to be prominently linked to a G2G question, additional profiles can be linked within a question (or answers and comments) by entering the URLs for the public versions of the profiles. Also, the link icon in the formatting menu in G2G can be used to format the names that display for URLs that are inserted in a message.
thanks Ellen, on the formatting icon, I have never been able to make it work properly, was hoping it was possible to put 2 profiles as what the question was about in the box for such rather than in the body of the text.  Oh well, was worth a try.

Another option is to make a link in a WikiTree profile, then copy that link (from the public page, not the edit page) into G2G.

To demonstrate, I just went to https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gautier-423 and copied the first sentence and pasted it here:

Louise Geneviève Gautier est née et baptisée le 12 janvier 1698 à Québec (ND), fille de François Gautier dit Larouche et de Louise Augran

lol, I just created that one a bit earlier today.  Connecting the dots on a family I am working on.

Louise Geneviève Gautier est née et baptisée le 12 janvier 1698 à Québec (ND), fille de François Gautier dit Larouche 

hmm, this has nice possibilities, didn't know you could do that and get the link to copy.  Thanks Ellen.  laugh

2 Answers

+3 votes


One possible short term solution would be to put both links in the body of the question.

For example: Is Aaron Griffin (abt. 1758 - bef. 1836) a cousin of Henry A. Griffith (abt. 1854) ?

For background on this question see: Herman Willis Smith (1877 - 1965) and his meeting with Jacob Griffith.

I have used the regular edits tools.

by Philip Smith G2G6 Pilot (369k points)
+5 votes

I think this is a good idea and I've added it to the to-do list.

by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (679k points)

thanks Jamie laugh

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