Looking for any connections to Anne Hayes Cargill

+1 vote
Anne Hayes Cargill born in Tennessee according to family bible, married Thomas Jefferson Haines. He was born in New Hampshire. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
WikiTree profile: Annie Haines
in Genealogy Help by Jennifer Trippeer G2G3 (3.6k points)
retagged by David Selman

Given the marriage announcement from 1858 that Marion found (which indicates that she was the daughter of a Henry A. Cargill in New York City), her family can be identified in the 1855 New York Census here.

The family, living in a stone house in New York City worth $10,000 (this was a mansion) included Henry A. Cargill, merchant, age 43 (i.e., born about 1812), native of NY; his wife Mary P., age 35 (i.e., born about 1820), native of TN, what looks to be Mary's brother James C. Hays (age 34, born in TN) and Mary's mother Sarah Hays (age 65, born in VA), as well as 7 children (Henrietta, age 19, born NY, Huma H., age 16, born TN, Ponola C., age 14, born MS, Andrew H., age 11, born MS, Kate M, age 7, born NY, Duncan, age 5, born NY, and Mary C, age 4, born NY). Of these, the one listed as "Huma H. Cargill" may be your Annie Hays Cargill.

Here is a reference that Henry A. Cargill around 1837 was a Nashville merchant advertising pistols for sale. And here is another reference indicating that in 1845 he was appointed by President Polk as deputy collector at the New York Customs House; the context of that letter suggests that he came to New York from Nashville.

Here is Henry A. Cargill in the 1850 census in New York City, with a daughter Anna (age 11, thus born about 1839, native of TN - thus same person as the "Huma" in the 1855 state census as well as your Annie Hays Cargill).

And here is his profile at familysearch.org, with lots of further documentation for him. He does not appear to have a profile at Wikitree yet.

Note that familysearch.org already has Annie Hays Cargill, Henry A. Cargill's daughter, linked as Gen. Thomas Jefferson Haines's wife.

So appreciate your finding! Many questions now answered! Thank you!
Putting a lot of little pieces together is helping so much to frame the whole story. Thank you so much!

1 Answer

+3 votes
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

The fact that she received a widow's pension means there will be considerable information on her in her pension file at the National Archives (once the archives are open and accessible again) - a widow needed to prove that she was legally married to the deceased veteran, so this usually meant submitting not just a marriage record, but also testimony from people who had known her before the marriage who could testify that she was single (and thus the marriage not bigamous). The pension file will also include a date of death (or rather the date as of which pension payments ceased).

Reproductions of a pension file can be ordered from the National Archives (once they are open again) - see https://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/pre-ww-1-records. As far as I am aware, Civil War pension files are not available at fold3.com (like ancestry.com, they only have the index cards for the files).

Thank you so much!' Very useful information.

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