Here are minister's affiliations, source at end for page numbers:
Abney Anthony, Baptist, SBA
Christopher Anthony, Quaker, Hinshaw's
John Anthony, Baptist, Justin Crawford
Mosby Arnold,
John Ayers, Methodist, web
S Ayers, Methodist, p 68
Elisha Burnett, Methodist, p 68
Joshua Burnett,Baptist, p 60
Joseph Burroughs, Baptist, Justin Crawford
Nicholas Hamner Cobbs, Episcopalian, p 50
James Drury,
Isham Fuqua,
Thomas C Goggin,
William Harris, Baptist, SBA
Jeremiah Hatcher,
Elijah Hurt, Methodist, Justin Crawford
William Johnson, Baptist, SBA
James Leftwich, Brethren? Justin Crawford= James Leftwich was affiliated with Antioch Church of the Brethren at least at one point. He is buried a short distance east on Rt 24 from the site of Antioch…..James P Leftwich, from the Augustine Jr via James RH line=red head.
Thomas L Leftwich, Presbyterian, p 55
William B? Leftwich, Baptist, web
Merrymann Lunsford,
Benjamin Meador, subt= 22
Benjamin Mitchell, Methodist, p 68 ,
Jacob D Mitchell, Presbyterian, p 53
James Mitchell, Presbyterian, p 54
James Moorman,
Joseph Morton,
Joseph Payne, (Franklin)
Richard Pope,
Charles Price,
William S Reid, (Lynchburg)
David Rice, Presbyterian, Justin Crawford
George Rucker,
James Scott,
Nathaniel Shrewsbury, Baptist, p 59
Samuel Shrewsbury , Baptist, p 59
Enoch W Terry,
James Turner,
Alderson Weeks, Baptist
Peyton Welch,
Wilson’s Church, Methodist, p 68
Stephen Wood, subt=20
Parker’s History of Bedford Co Virginia, written and compiled by Lula Jeter Parker, Hamilton’s Indexed Edition, copyright 1988 by Peter Viemeister, (p ref)