Hall-49520 Why aren't sources showing? [closed]

+1 vote
Please someone help, because I read the answers to the other questions on why their sources weren't showing, and it might as well have been Greek.

My sources aren't showing for [Hall-49520], and she's got a ton of them.  I don't know what I did, but I am new here and try as I may, this source stuff is way beyond me.

Can anyone take a peek and tell me in very simple English how to fix it?
closed with the note: Resolved
in WikiTree Help by Sue Knight G2G1 (1.9k points)
closed by Jillaine Smith

3 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
There is a <ref> tag just above the == Sources == heading. If you remove that <ref>, you should be fine.

The system thinks that everything between the <ref> and </ref> tags is a footnote, to be displayed below <references />. In the profile there is no ending </ref> tag, so everything after <ref> is hidden.
by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (593k points)
selected by Susan Smith
Thank you!  It worked.
Turn on Enhanced Editing in your Settings and that helps for situations like that.  It will 'color' the area between a starting 'ref' and the ending 'ref, so if you see lines like the sources header or text' 'colored' then you know you have a misplaced /missing / incorrectly formatted 'ref' or ending 'ref statements.
+6 votes
Hey Sue,


You have added the sources as text in the source section. Just above that line ==Sources== you have a single <ref> tag.

That code tells the system that anything after it, and before the closing tag </ref>, is 1 reference.

So in this case, the page does not show references as there is only one that is not ending.

Solution: delete the stray <ref> code and save (I tested, it works in preview, but will leave the honor to you.)
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (341k points)
Thank you!!!  It worked.  The explanation helps, I think.
+4 votes
On that profile, go to the edit tab. Scroll down to right above == Sources ==. You will see that in the line above it there is a <ref>. Simply delete that single <ref>, and then save the changes, and your sources should then appear in the public view.

It is unfortunate that Wikitree still uses a markup language that is so finicky. All other genealogy sites I am aware of use editors that are "What You See Is What You Get".
by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)

lol, I guess Isabelle beat us to it wink. I read people advising to use the advanced editor, not sure it that is a better help.

Thank you!  And for trying to explain why.  It worked!

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