How to stop receiving mail relating to the Wales surname which I’m not interested in.

+4 votes
in The Tree House by David Walley G2G6 (7.0k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
You will have to go back to your profile and delete 'Wales', which you are following.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.2m points)

But that would then disallow following the Wales Project (and Projects usually require that you follow the tag).

Unfortunately, you can't have it both ways.  Either follow 'Wales' because of the project, in which case you will get tons of email about people called Wales, or unfollow 'Wales', in which case you will get neither Project emails nor people-emails.

Why do you think I (and many others) don't follow 'England'? ;)

'cos ya hates them ya does!  cheeky

There needs to be a way to follow a country/Project tag, but not also follow it as a surname.

What we need is two separate tag lists.

Oh dear! I was keen to support the Wales Project being Welsh and I speak the language but the plethora of messages relating to the Wales surname has put me off. I will, sadly, delete the tag in my profile.
You could turn off email notifications, and just monitor the g2g feed for the tag.
I asked for that in G2G a couple weeks ago, but no go
That’s a good idea. Thanks
I have just switched from following Wales to Welsh_roots. I don't know whether this will help, but I'll stop getting stuff about people called Wales.
That appears to be a useful solution to the issue and worth a try. Thanks

Jamie Nelson has indicated that a broader solution to this issue may be developed at some point in the future.

+4 votes

There are boxes to check off if you don't want various emails.
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (180k points)

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