Pvt. William A Booth (1834 - 1864) “KIA” at Battle of Monocacy”

+5 votes

Private William A. Booth at the age of 38. Enlisted into the 106th New York Infantry to serve 3 years. He mustered in as a private into Company B August 27, 1862. He was “KIA” at the Battle of Monocacy July 9, 1864.

There are two Find A Grave memorials for him. The birth date estimate is 1824 based upon his age at enlistment. The Find A grave sources show different date.

We need genealogy help adding sources and more info about this Civil War Veteran.

Thank you

WikiTree profile: William Booth
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (762k points)

3 Answers

+7 votes

Given that he enrolled at Morristown in Saint Lawrence County, NY, is he this William Booth (age 25) in Morristown in the 1850 census and this William Booth in Morristown (age 44, but clearly the same guy as he has same wife and kids) in the 1860 census?

Listed as not holding any real estate in either census, thus would not show up in land records. However, wife and kids should have been entitled to a pension afterwards - any evidence of him in the pension records?

by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)

Bingo - here's the index card (at ancestry.com) for the widow's pension file. Once the National Archives open up again, you should be able to get good information from that file.

He aged 25 to 44 in ten years? Civil war was rough.
Probably an error in writing, or transcribing,  or the person lied, or gave an estimate of age because they really didn't know - or didn't care the way we do.  Happened all the time.  (Have seen it on multiple records.)
I think they are different William Booths, or cannot be assumed to be the same person based on what we see here.

CH found evidence of a pension for the one fellow who was either 38 or 47 in 1863, depending which age we think was right on the censuses. The draft record found by Marion says he was 24 and single in 1863, so that can't be the same person.

In addition, as Mark points out the two findagrave memorials seem to be for different people, with different ages and different cemeteries. The first has an "unknown" plot and the second has a headstone that lists the company of service plus his wife and son. So i would say the info from CH is likely belonging to thw second findagrave, and the draft registration may or may not belong to the first findagrave.

Looks like there should be multiple profilea for this though.
I added about the possible two different persons of the memorials under research notes on profile. I know some have two memorials one a cenotaph the other the burial?
+5 votes
The 2 findagraves are for 2 different people.
by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (229k points)

Very possible. However only one William A. Booth listed in unit roster for 106th NY. The gravestone inscription shows 106th. The other memorial with no stone shows bio info of same regiment 106th. Co. B

See 106th New York Unit Roster

I added under research notes 

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