Will the team Springboks get points for sourcing profiles not South African?

+1 vote
I am sure I have asked this before but for the life of me can't find the answer - we are advised to start with our own unsourced profiles. Many of those are on the British side of my tree - will the SA Springboks still get points on those or do I stick to the profiles who were born or died in South Africa?
in The Tree House by Sharon Caldwell G2G6 Mach 2 (23.1k points)
I would suggest that any sources will count, after all it’s all about helping the world tree.

1 Answer

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Yes Sharon It will count. I remember answering that Q but can't find it either :-))
by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (132k points)
selected by Sharon Caldwell
Thanks. Within the SA list I am going to try to focus on 1820 Settler related profiles because that is where I can most easily find sources. Start time in SA is about 2pm right?
Thanks Sharon  

Great the 1820 settler  profiles need a lot of TLC  and having an expert working them is awesome !!

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