I keep having sourced profile have the sources removed how do I stop this.

+1 vote
I just went onto my unsourced profiles and I am getting profiles that were sourced hours ago and now those sources have been removed and they are now umsourced. So of the sources I had I no longer have access to and now may not be able to source them. Also any profile I am listed as owner on I have personal knowledge of or I am their family.

The below listed profile was sourced and now its not.
WikiTree profile: CeCe Harrison
in WikiTree Help by Rachel Gossett G2G6 (7.6k points)

4 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Let me see if I can explain this...

You are the ONLY person who can see and edit the profiles you manage for LIVING individuals because they are privacy locked. On those profiles you see a big black "lock" icon on the upper right of the profile. There is no way for anyone else to be removing sources unless you have allowed them access to do so. There is also no way for anyone to look at the profile to see the reason you have "disappearing sources."

Herb, Barry, Marion are trying to tell you that you may have made an error in how you did some formatting so the sources are not showing after you save the profiles and look at the finished bio even though they are still there in the "edit" mode. The most common reason this would have happened is if you used inline citations and lack these lines below the biography:

== Sources ==

<references />

There could be other reasons, but no one can look at your profiles for living individuals until you allow them to.

If you want you can temporarily put someone else you trust on the "Trusted List" for the profiles on which the sources are disappearing so they can examine them. You will need to have that person's email address to do that. You can send a private message to anyone you wish to see if they will provide you their email address if you don't know it. Once you have the email address you will click on the "Family Tree & Tools" tab for the profile on which you have a problem, scroll down to and click on "Trusted List." On the next page, scroll down to "Add to Trusted List." Once on the "Trusted List" your selected person can see and/or edit the profile.

Until then, no one can help you figure out the problem on your privacy locked profiles for living individuals.

Herb asked you if the same problem was happening on any profiles you have for deceased individuals on which the privacy is "open." These will have a green lock icon. If so, provide the profile ID of at least one of those profiles here and someone will examine it.
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (597k points)
selected by Living Kelts
By "Open" profiles, I meant the ones with white lock icons.  Green locks keep others from seeing the Edit page, which we have to access to diagnose unmatched <ref> tags and similar issues.
You are right, Herb. Green can only view it, but white can edit. Sorry I mixed up the colors. Neither of those is an option for living people.
+10 votes
Rachel, you are the PM of this privacy protected profile, so unless you have someone on the trusted list only you can make changes.

I suggest you go to the changes tab and check what was done (I cannot see as it is private). If nothing is there might I suggest you omitted to ‘save changes’. If it is there you can always revert to the date prior to the change.

Other than that I can’t think what happened.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Or she was using inline citations and some <ref> tags got mismatched or the <references/> accidentally got deleted, it would look like the sources had disappeared when really its just that the system didn't know to display them.
Good point Barry, and more than likely.
+1 vote
This is still happening to living people that I have supplied obituaries and the sources are being removed!!!
by Rachel Gossett G2G6 (7.6k points)
Rachel, I understand your frustration, but we can't help you unless you provide an example with Open privacy.  We need access to the Edit page or at least the Changes, to see what was done to the profile.  We can't see those things for living people, or for the privacy-protected profile that you linked in the original question.  Barry's theory about inline references sounds very likely.  We need to examine an Open profile to confirm the problem.
I could get that is it wasn't the fact that this was info put in the biography section which is their actual obituary. The people were sourced from the actual copy, and a link to the newspaper version.
Sorry, Rachel, that doesn't tell us anything that helps answer your question.
+3 votes

The Profile for CeCe Harrison was created by Rachel (Harrison) Gossett on 7th July 2016

The profile was edited on 31st December 2018 by Rachel (Harrison) Gossett editing death date.

The profile was edited on 3 October 2020 by Rachel (Harrison) Gossett.

Tacked changes

by Heather Jenkinson G2G6 Pilot (137k points)

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