Winborne family of Virginia

+2 votes

I need a few extra sets of eyes to review the data I am finding for John Winborne, b 1676 Essex, MA; d 1766 Nansemond County, Virginia. He currently has two profiles which I believe need merging: Winborne-28 & Winborne-38. Winborne-28 has no sources. Winborne-38 has sources which I believe do not belong to him.

The sources on Winborne-38 are almost entirely taken from a book "The Winbornes of Old" by Benjamin Winborne, 1911. I don't think they belong to the John Winborne I am researching. The biggest discrepancy is his wife. My John Winborne married Phoebe Thomas/Sanders (disagreement as to name). The John Winborne in the above book married 1st Anne Hunter and 2nd Sarah Unknown.

It will be appreciated if someone could take a look and let me know what you think.

WikiTree profile: John Winborne
in Genealogy Help by Shirley Dalton G2G6 Pilot (543k points)
Here's another case of an unlikely early migration from New England to the South. It happened, but so rarely that I'd like to see documentation cited for it. There's nothing in the narrative that explains it.
This family has some really confusing data and, perhaps, misapplied sources. Will take some time to untangle everything.
Thanks, Shirley; let us know if we can help.

1 Answer

+1 vote

I think the source you refer to relates information about the son, also named John WInbourne.  In the book by Benjamin Winborne there is a passage that refers to the brother of John Winbourne.  That brother is named Henry.   The son of John WInbourne b1676, also named John Winbourne, has a brother documented in his profile named Henry.  John's wife is named Anne.

by David Douglass G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
edited by David Douglass
It does appear the information matches the son. So I still need to find data for the father. Thanks for your insight.

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