Help transcribing English marriage record

+2 votes

I am trying to decide if Susan last name is Tyler or Tylor 

Family search has it the first spelling but it looks like Tylor to me. Also where it shows 30th November above that is this the females age if so it looks like she was 14? Thank you.

England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941 Robert Watts and Susan ?

in Genealogy Help by Ron Thompson G2G6 Mach 1 (13.7k points)

Thank's to ever one for the help I think the dates may be this 

260 years of double-dating

Double dates don't apply to November.

A Bishop's transcript was an annual  copy of the register  from  Lady day,  that is  the 25th March to thw  24th March the following  year when the legal and financial year changed. So the  legal year 1708 started in March and ended a year later in March

 A very few parish clerks towards the mid 18th C  started to include double dates for those last three months from Jan to March 24

 Modern historians would use 1708/9 when writing relevant dates but November isn't affected.
Thank you for the information I did know that the consensus seems to "th" so I will go with that.

Thank's again.

4 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
I would transcribe it as Tyler, compare with the e at the end of Lawes and in Herring and in buried in the previous set of entries

I think the superscript is th as in the 30th. Compare with two entries above. The writer is inconsistent as there is no 'th' for the 16th above  but he's just copying the register and trying to get it all on one sheet to send to the Bishop.

(In my experience, ages aren't  in registers from this period; I've never seen one)
by Helen Ford G2G6 Pilot (494k points)
selected by Ron Thompson
+2 votes
I think it is actually Tyler. The 'e' does look like an 'o' but you can see the same style used in other words that we can be sure is an e (like 'married')
by Alison Palmer G2G6 Mach 3 (34.6k points)
Thank's do you know if the number above the date is her age.
I wonder if it's a 'th' like 30th November.
+2 votes
That looks like Tyler to me. I realize the "e" looks like an "o" to modern eyes, but at that time English scribes wrote the "e" a bit differently. See the end of the word "single" describing the groom, for example, or see the "e" in "Cooper" (groom in the marriage two lines above yours).

I do not know the meaning of the double dates for the marriages, but doubt that it has to do with the ages of the brides and instead suspect it has something to do with when banns for the marriage were issued.
by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
Ok thank's I will leave it as Tyler.
+1 vote
I think it is Tyler. Look at how the scribe made and e on "single" on all the other lines. Also that is not 14  it is "th" as found on several other entries.
by Daniel Bly G2G6 Mach 9 (90.4k points)

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