Looking for long lost great grandfather

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I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree. ANCESTORS ancestors 

I am actively searching for my great-grandfather, William M Foote, born abt.1874, in Canada or Pennsylvania ( we have different word-of-mouth information). He married Ellen Milloy, who was born in Canada and immigrated to Erie, PA. I do have their marriage certificate but no other information. William Foote apparently was already married with a family before he married Ellen Milloy. When Ellen found out years later, she threw him out and changed her name back to her maiden name, Milloy. William and Ellen had 3 children, two dying at birth (twin daughters) and my grandfather, Joseph Milloy.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Living Milloy G2G Rookie (190 points)
Didn't find anything on William but added profiles for Mary and Myrtle. They are connected to Ellen you can set yourself as manager. Ellen's brothers Daniel and Edward also pop up in the 1920 and 1940 censuses added to Ellen's sources. It is a start at least.

Found Ellen's grave. Ellen's mother(?), Mary, and  brothers, Daniel and Edward, all share a marker. Interestingly, Mary is shown as 1845-1918, not 1876 as you have listed.

Have you tried looking for him in the census records? The records for both Canada and the US are available free from the National Archives. The records online are searchable at least some of them. For the US you do need to have an idea of where the family would have been living. For Canada you can simply search by surname.


okay on the Mary problem. Here lies "short-lived Mary" buried in the Erin Pioneer Cemetery. Note her husband is Daniel and not John.


The stone reads: "Mary Jane, Wife of Daniel Milloy, died March 8, 1870, Aged 23 Years 9 Months and 23 Days."

So her birthday was around May 15, 1846. This may or may not be Mary Quigley but is clearly not the same Mary referenced on Ellen's grave marker.

This Mary Milloy looks to be a better candidate.


My hunch is two Milloy brothers or cousins had daughters named Mary within a couple of years of each other.and the family mixed them up.

William Foote

 in the Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1914

Name: William Foote
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 24 Apr 1873
Birth Place: Huron, Ontario, Canada
Father: John Foote
Mother: Anne Reid

This census shows a George Foote as head of household and William Foote as brother.

Name: William Foote
Gender: Male
Marital status: Single
Age: 19
Birth Year: abt 1872
Birth Place: Ontario
Residence Date: 1891
Residence Place: Eramosa, Wellington South, Ontario, Canada
Relation to Head: Brother
Religion: Methodist
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
French Canadian: No
Father's Birth Place: England
Mother's Birth Place: Scotland
Division Number: 3
Household Members:
Name Age
Mary Mccarthy 72
Jerry Beckner 30
Morise Farrell 70
Catherine Farrell 60
William Oakes 32
Bridget Oakes 27
Fredrick Oakes 10
John Oakes

In above census Jane aged 22 is George's wife.

This record shows William as a bricklayer.

Wm Foote

 in the UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960

Name: Wm Foote
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birth Date: abt 1871
Departure Date: 10 Feb 1895
Port of Departure: Southampton, England
Destination Port: New York, USA
Ship Name: Berlin
The Wellington County museum has some records on the pioneer Milloys, including a letter from an earlier Mary Milloy writing from Erin in 1841. to her mother in Scotland. Sometimes you can sweet talk these institutions into scanning records for you or resort to bribery.

The county history is very interesting, similar to the wild west stories in America but starring Scots.


1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
Hi Judy , I notice you have not added any sources to the profiles. It is not a good idea to start a profile without at least one. For instance the info from the marrriage cert would be good. It helps us to know where to start. Also have you tried familysearch.org? It’s free.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Susan Smith

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