Tree size(s) statistics

+5 votes
I'm curious about the size of the Wiki-tree(s) in the following respects:

I guess there are a number of trees that are not connected with each other, right? How many?

Also guess that one tree (the "world tree") is much larger than the others, right?

This latter connected "world tree", how big is it and also, how many roots does it have? ("Root" here is a node without parents).

Hope the questions make sense to you, have not found the answer to these questions on the wiki.
in WikiTree Tech by Bengt Olsson G2G3 (3.4k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
You may find this discussion interesting:

Myself I cannot give you a statistical answer, but I checked our connection, I think it's a nice one, 33 degrees with only Swedish profiles and many "sideways" connections (which I have come to appreciate).
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (603k points)
selected by Leif Biberg Kristensen
Thanks Eva. That was exactly what I was looking for. If I understand this right there is about 24M profiles all-in-all, of these about 20M are connected in the main tree (trunk, "world-tree") and the resting 4M profiles are in groups ranging from 1 person to several thousands in each separate tree (group). As one of the comments there mentions it would be nice to try to connect the larger un-connected groups with the main trunk in order to grow the tree faster.

Yes, my sub-tree is connected with the rest of the world through Lidén-40 's tree... I hooked into his tree via a common ancestor in Blekinge (Persson-5956), so all my matches are going through his sub-tree... :-) Should be nice to find some other connections as well, maybe that should shorten our distance :-)
+3 votes
Hi Bengt, there is only one tree but there are many branches that have yet to be connected.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

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