Additions to Trusted List problem needs solution

+12 votes
Currently, when you ask to be added to a Trusted list for a profile, the recipient sees an option to also add the person to all sorts of other profiles.  Clicking that button results in the asker to be added to the TL of all the profiles listed.

This creates a huge problem in the Watchlist.  I was over 5K in my watchlist, and on going through it to find out why, I found a whole bunch of profiles who are distant cousins only, on which I had never worked nor collaborated before.  They were descendants of someone I was related to directly.

This was obviously inadvertent addition by the PM of the original request.  I know of at least one other WikiTreer who has his watchlist over the 5K mark without knowing why.

Is there a way to remove this option from the TL addition response form?  Too easy to have someone make this mistake, which overloads the system and Watchlists of the askers.
in WikiTree Tech by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (719k points)
I don't have a solution for you, but I agree there needs to be a change. When someone requests to be put on the Trusted List for ONE profile, then they should only be placed on the Trusted List for that ONE profile.

2 Answers

+4 votes
The bulk removal tool exists for this reason.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (672k points)
bulk removal doesn't discriminate sufficiently, don't want to remove myself from everything, still have to go see what's what
+4 votes
I hope I'm understanding what you're trying to express. Please correct me if my answer is way out of what you're trying to state.

If a PM adds/approves someone to a trusted list, I don't feel that this individual should have the ability to add/remove any other individual to/from the trusted list.

Only unless an individual was added/approved as another PM, it's really should be the PM's call to add/remove anyone on the trusted list.

I hope I was able to explain/understand this okay via text... :-)

~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (338k points)
the problem stems from the fact that when you receive a request from someone to be added to the TL of a specific profile, the form you get to approve it contains a whole list of people you can add them to at the same time.

So say JACK gets a request to be added to the trusted list of JILL from JOE, Jack gets this form that allows him to add JOE to not only JILL's TL, but also to a whole whack of other profiles at the same time.  One click in one box is all it takes to do it.  Then JOE gets added to all these profiles he may have no interest in and never asked for.

It's not a question of removing someone from a TL, but of adding too many in one go.
I see... Your asking in regards to the trusted list request taking you to where it provides an option for placing them on the trusted list of said individuals ancestors, descendents or both.

My apologies. I believe that it's much clearer now. :-)

~Brian Kerr

As one who has added Danielle to certain TLs for individual profiles, the problem lies with the recipient of the request.  You CAN do just the ONE, or you can do ALL your TL's.  I know because I volunteered to add her to all of mine and then realized what it would do to HER watchlist.  Maybe we need to make the ALL option smaller or put a big warning on it, or even remove it altogether.  I do get occasional requests to be added to all which I deny for privacy reasons.

I agree that it should have a big warning! I also wish the the person being added to the trusted list would have the option of saying 'NO" to being added to more trusted lists than just the one profile requested.

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