Can anyone help me find Hugh (1822-23 Decatur Kentucky) Davidson's parents?

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in Genealogy Help by Todd Davidson G2G Rookie (130 points)
Do you have any more info? Like profile, dates places for other events.
Dear Marion, Thank you so much for your response to my question. According to what I have , Hugh Davidson, was born Aug 11, 1822 ( 1823?) in Cynthiana, Harrison, Kentucky and died Feb 19, 1858 in Adams, Decatur Indiana. He married Pricilla Wheeler (b. 1830, D. 1872) in Decatur, Indiana 11/10/1848.

It has been suggested that his father was a John Davidson from Kentucky, but I'm a bit uncertain about that. According to a Y - DNA test I'm possibly related to a John Goolman Davidson, but again I have not found any verification other than the DNA comments.

Thank you for trying to add anything else to this quest.


Todd Davidson
Todd please remove email and phone? Number as they leave you open to scam and spammers. People can contact you through your profile.
Not found any more information, sorry.
Marion, thank you for trying.

Have a good day! Todd
In the 1850 census with Hugh and Pricilla is a Jane Davison aged 60, John Davison aged 24, and a Samuel Davison aged 14.

Probable family?
Dear Betty,

Thank you for responding to my question and for adding a few details plus a question that has me a bit confused. Your reference to three other persons living with Hugh and Pricilla in the 1850 US Indiana census. Upon receiving your question I tried to pull the 1850 census data to verify. To my surprise in the Family Search census record there were only three persons registered. Missing were; Jane @60 yrs, John @24  yrs and Samuel at 14 yrs. Is it possible Family Search used a different format? The actual census document is pictured but hasn't got the extra persons on it.

Perhaps you got the census data from a state census or something else. Any help you can give would be deeply appreciated. Thank you again, Todd


Hugh and Pricilla are on page three I believe and the others are on previous pages of the 1850 census.
Betty, I found them . Good tip indeed.

Now, can you help me decipher where Jane says she originated? I can not read the word and it appears for others a page or two hence.

The Youngsters .John and Samual indicate origin in Kentucky Thank you again. Todd
Yikes. That is very hard to decipher. Looks like John Messlan above her was born in the same place. I think it might be Montana. Although, the census taker sure did mess up the writing of it.

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