Comments on John Ogden I

+4 votes

On 3 Oct 2020 John Miller Jr. wrote on Ogden-588:

Important recent research will require basic reevaluation of John Ogden's origins and offspring. See [ Research Note].

WikiTree profile: John Ogden
in Genealogy Help by John Miller G2G1 (1.1k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+3 votes

The problem here is you have to be a member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society to access the information. I have worked on this and other Ogden profiles and would be interested in reading the research. As would many others. Maybe there is a fair usage clause that would allow at least part of the articles to be shared? 

by Ellen Gustafson G2G6 Mach 2 (28.9k points)
In the next few days I am going to post a research note listing the genealogy which they have established. And I will reproduce their summary, one page, which I think would comfortably fit under fair use. It gives the gist of their research methodology. The results can be restated in full. The information as such is not subject to copyright.

They give two generations prior to John but most importantly probable locations for the family origins, in Yorkshire.

Also, if I may, I would note that the NYGBS annual membership is quite reasonable ($77) vs. Ancestry ($300) or NEHGS ($95) and I have found the journal to be very valuable in just the four months that I have been enrolled. Pre-copyright issues (to 1923) are posted on
Thank you John, I look forward to reading it.  And I will consider getting a subscription.

Unfortunately, Fair Use does not allow copyright-protected articles, nor extensive excerpts of such articles, to be republished on WikiTree. Fair use probably allows for limited person-to-person sharing, but not wholesale republication on a public website.

It is not enough (and frustrating for readers) when a profile says that new research supports new conclusions, but not explain the basis for those conclusions, but we can do that without republishing the article. The best way to deal with this kind of material in WikiTree is to present and discuss key information from the articles (both factual evidence and inferences drawn from that evidence) in the text of the profile (and of course cite the sources).

The 3-article series of articles regarding this family in NYGBR should be interesting reading for descendants of the family. Your mileage may vary, but I think the evidence for the origins of this family is strong. One fascinating tidbit (not cited as evidence, just a tidbit) that I noticed while skimming is a statement that the stone church that John Ogden the Pilgrim and his nephew (not brother) Richard Ogden built in New Amsterdam was characteristic of stone construction in the Pennines (the region from which they came).

+3 votes
New information has been posted. I would like input about this important immigrant who arrived in Massachusetts probably by 1640 and was a founder of Elizabeth, New Jersey.
by Ellen Gustafson G2G6 Mach 2 (28.9k points)

You mention his arrival in Massachusetts by 1640. I have not seen confirmation that he arrived in Massachusetts by 1640. He was in Stamford (Connecticut) in December 1641, so he might have been in New England by the PGM cutoff year of 1640, but because he could have arrived in 1641, I do not think that he qualifies.

I am going to consult with other Project Leaders regarding the appropriate project to be a manager on the profiles in this family that need PPP, including John Ogden the Pilgrim (subject of this profile), his brother Richard Ogden who did not leave England (I PPPed that profile without adding a project), and others.

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