Advice before adding of this pre-1700 Götz profile?

+1 vote

I can add a to the profile of Johannes Götz. This is who I can add:

  • Elisabeth Schimpf (spouse)

These are the sources I am using:

  • Marriage certificate:
  • Baptism certificate:

Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Johannes Götz
in Genealogy Help by Veronica Ferreira G2G Crew (490 points)
edited by Veronica Ferreira

Hi Veronica,

Thanks for helping to build our shared tree and for posting here regarding pre-1700 profiles. Please edit your post to add the germany tag. It appears that reliable source/name/location and other guidelines from that project would apply to this profile.

The source links that you provided in your post didn't appear to work, but hopefully these links work for your intended links (fixed now):

Marriage index:

Birth/baptism index:

Then, hopefully the folks from the Germany Project will be able to provide you with guidance relative to the reliability of the sources that you have, as well as name and place name conventions that would be appropriate for the location/period.

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Hi Veronica,

I have great news for you. The village of Klein-Gumpen has its Local Heritage Book here. There is also an entry for your Johannes Götz. The Local Heritage Books are transcriptions of the local church books. The personal entries collect every entry they can find in all church books, so similar to WikiTree everything that is found for one person is in one place. Using this source, you can build the tree of that family and have reliable sources. When there is no information in the entry, there is no information. 

Have fun!

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Veronica Ferreira
+1 vote
Contact the project manager and ask to have the documentation added. If you don't get a response (it happens for a variety of reasons) there are processes like unresponsive project manager request etc. in place.

Just as an aside, the locations given on the profile do not follow WikiTree guidelines and should be changed to what was in use at the time of the events.
by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (621k points)
+2 votes
Hi Veronica,

As far as I can see the data is valid and you can add the Profile.

As for the location: You have to be aware that there are two different places called Reichelsheim in Hesse. One in the Odenwald Region and one in the "Wetterau". Familysearch is obviously confusing/merging the two in the source field. But the right one should be Reichelheim (Odenwald).

This town and the surrounding villages belonged between 1532 and 1806 to the Grafschaft Erbach (Earldom of Erbach) which was a direct vassal of the Holy Roman Empire. So the correct location (for the town) would be:

Reichelsheim (Odenwald), Grafschaft Erbach, Heiliges Römisches Reich

Any village (as for the birthplace of Johann Götz) can go in front of the town, like: Klein Gumpen, Reichelsheim (Odenwald), Grafschaft Erbach, Heiliges Römisches Reich

If you give me some time untill this evening (German time) I can check the original source and give you the complete entry, since familysearch only has the index, looks like.
by Danny Gutknecht G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
edited by Danny Gutknecht
Klein Gumpen was not part of Reichelsheim before 1971 when it got incorporated into Reichelsheim. Therefore, it does not make sense to have both locations in the same field. He may have been born in Klein Gumpen and baptized in  Reichelsheim because of the location of the church, but it really is either/or.

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