Confused about Needs Profiles Created format

0 votes

My formatting question is based on differences between two pages:

The last bullet point on under Rules on Project:Sourcerers says to use  "Location, Needs Profiles Created" 

While the page, Category: Needs Profiles Created, says to use these examples of formatting:

[[Category:Needs Profiles Created]] or [[Category:Montana, Needs Profiles Created]]

My questions--

1. Are we to include the word Category in the text?  

2. Should the text of Project: Sourcerers include the brackets?  If so, it could use either . . . 

a) a reminder that any quotation marks are not to be included unless specifically mentioned, or 

b) . . . as the Needs Profiles Created has done, use a separate indented line without quotation marks?   Either would clarify it for folks like me who are rookies and pretty much ignorant about all the ways we could avoid making more work for WT.

Thank you for any help!

in WikiTree Tech by Linden Van Wert G2G3 (3.5k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Yes, it goes in the text. I can never seem to remember this however and just use the pulldown ... on a profile in edit mode (just before the C button) then start typing the location and needs profiles created and it will auto-complete. For example you would type new york needs prof (then it should complete)
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (634k points)
'Category:' is required so the system knows you are stating a Category.  Using that 'steps looking' icon before the 'C' ('C' creates the inline citation format) in the icons above the biography text area can definitely make it easier, as Kay said. Entering a 'location' helps to add the profile to a location / region / state, which can help during the Connect a Thon or if you want to just work on a certain area. You don't have to put any location and could just have the Needs Profiles Created after the Category wording.  You can also add 2 entries, if there are 2 locations in the profile, but it would have to be 2 separate Catalog entries.  The Unsourced template allows 2 locations to be entered on that template, but this is adding the profile to a specific Category, not using a template.

Glad to see that the Source a Thon has spurned some interest in the Sourcerers Challenge!!
Thank you so much for the speedy reply!  I'll have to follow what you wrote in the first two to make sure I get it.  I saw the icons but never touched them!  Sheesh!

The rest made sense right away.  Nifty to have commands like the html available that way!  Looking forward to using them; thanks for the suggestion.  I'm about to save the changes on my first October sourcing!  Yay!

BTW, I worked out you are the Linda in Nor'Easter.  I confess I used you as a pacer in attempting reaching 200 by 1:00 a.m. early Monday. Oh, well, to FamilySearch for the shutdown of some services.  

Best wishes and thanks!
Yes, that is me!!  You did great, even better considering you are a 'rookie'.  Next thon, you won't be a rookie!!
Thank you!  I'm looking forward to having experienced each kind of Thon at which time I expect to feel truly unrookied!

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