Aid in DNA Confirmation to Walley-114

+1 vote
Hi for Holston-101, could someone help me with DNA confirmation to Walley-114? I have a 7.7 cm match to 5th and sixth cousins on wikitree and GED match they are father daughter. Have a 20.5cm match to Another father daughter 5th and 6th cousin on ged match only. they are related to me twice through Arcadia and Elisabeth daughters of Gouldsberry who is Thomas Brother and both sons of Walley-114. Can I use that or do I need more? If so what? The two sets of cousins do not triangulate they match on different cms.

Thank you, Sherry
WikiTree profile: William Walley
in Genealogy Help by Sherry Holston G2G6 Mach 2 (24.2k points)
recategorized by Jillaine Smith

1 Answer

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Hi Sherry,

For triangulation, we need (among other things, see Help:DNA Confirmation and Help:Triangulation) at least 3 individuals who are greater than 3rd cousins to each other and who all match each other on the same segment. So we can only use one individual from each father-daughter pair for a triangulation scenario. I'd use the father from each father-daughter pair, since the father should have the same amount or more matching DNA with you relative to his daughter. But if I understand correctly, you and those 2 fathers don't all 3 match each other on the same shared DNA segment. If that's true, it's not a triangulation.

"Can I use that or do I need more?" Based on my understanding of the situation, it doesn't appear that you can use that.

"If so what?" Based on my understanding of the situation, it appears that you need another match that is >3C to both you and one of the fathers, and that also matches you and that father on the same segment.

Also, if I understand correctly, you've indicated that father 2 has multiple ancestral paths back to the MRCA(s). Using triangulation, we are attempting to confirm a single path of child-parent relationships from each match back to the MRCAs (we usually can only confirm to the children of the MRCAs, since it's likely that only one of the MRCAs contributed the inherited DNA, and we don't know which one it is, unless it's a half-cousin situation). Since father 2 has multiple ancestral paths back to the same MRCA(s), we don't know via which path he inherited the particular segment from the MRCA(s), so we don't know which of his relationships to confirm. If you and any other matches that triangulate with him have just a single path each to the MRCAs, I believe that you and those matches could confirm relationships back to the children of the MRCAs. But as I mentioned above, you need at least one more match that is >3C to both you and father 2, and that also matches you and he on the same segment, for triangulation.

by Rick Peterson G2G6 Pilot (194k points)
selected by Edison Williams

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