Need help understanding "Unmerged Matches" Actions

+10 votes
I initiated two merge requests for the same two duplicate profiles by mistake. One request needs to go away (or be deleted), but I am not sure how to do that. The other request needs to be approved.  The profile manager for the duplicate profile just sent both requests to the "Unmerged Matches" section.

I see [compare] [reject] [remove]. I don't know what happens when I choose remove. What exactly does "remove" do?

Also, the comment left on the original profile's comment section by the profile manager of the duplicate profile, who sent both request to the "Unmerged Matches" section, says Arant-233 and Arant-102 are not ready to be merged because: Appears to be the same person. I left a comment that says the reason for the merge is because the two profiles are the same person.

What am I suppose to do next?
in WikiTree Help by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
Remove will remove that specific merge request.

I typically perform the removal when I want to redo that merge again.

Also, anytime a merge request is performed and the Merging profile was previously submitted (listed under any of the 3 merge categories) then it won't proceed because it was already submitted as reflected somewhere under the 3 categories.

To redo a merge request again (that was previously submitted) it would require that specific merge listed to be removed.

I hope I had explained this okay via text... LOL! :-)

~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (338k points)
selected by Living Kerr
Okay, I removed the first request under "Unmerged Matches" and the second request under "Unmerged Matches" disappeared too.  Is this how WikiTree is suppose to work?

I thought the two requests were separate requests. Why would removing the first request, also cause the second request to be removed?
Well, the "Thank you" box that appears after you select the confirm button says "You have removed all connection between profile A and profile B." I guess that applies to multiple requests too.
I have re-initiated the request.

I think there is an error with WikiTree, since it allowed me to initiate a second request when one was already submitted.
The reason why they remain listed is if it's declined and such as to prevent others from repetitively submitting the same merge requests.

Removing it allows for the merge request to be submitted again.

~Brian Kerr
+4 votes
Specifically, "Unmerged Match" means that the profile manager agrees that the two profiles probably are the same person, but they are not ready to be merged. This typically is because there is a conflict in dates or parents. Sometimes there is just not enough information to complete a merge with confidence. For instance, I would not merge people named John Smith willy-nilly! There is every reason to believe that two people of that name lived in the same town.

The next step would be to do some more research and try to substantiate parents, dates, etc.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (889k points)
Sometimes 'new people' get confused when they see a proposed merge and they set it to 'unmerged match' because they are currently 'unmerged', but their comment is saying that they should be merged.  You might want to send a private message to the other PM to see if they meant to 'delay' the merge from being completed. That is actually what the 'unmerged' match is doing, but people get confused with the current wording. If they did want the merge to be completed, you might have to explain to them that they do not want to select the 'unmerged' link.

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