are there records of support families received from the poor law board when they were living out in the community

+1 vote
Collins 24819 told me that when her father died ( sometime in the early 1930s in Chorlton district ) that the family - her mother and 5 children were visited by the poor law body and asked what relatives they had to support them

I was told that Florence's mother told them that she had been disowned for marrying an Irish  Catholic man but apparently they did make contact with her father who agreed to provide some support via the poor law body This continued for some time until Florence's older brother William passed the 11 plus and on being told there was no money for uniform and books which would be required he wrote to his grandfather and asked for a loan The grandfather through a solicitor discovered that the family were living on 10/- a week ( the sum he was providing the poor law board with) thereafter he paid a guinea a week until the youngest was 21 . He never met any of the grandchildren nor did he leave anytihng in his will

I would like to find out his name so I can add to the details but where would I start??
WikiTree profile: Florri Lowther
in Genealogy Help by Anon Sharkey G2G6 Pilot (147k points)

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