A response is confusing

+10 votes
I have just put in a request to join the Scotland Project.  There was a response saying my request was a duplicate.  I don't understand this unless I entered it twice by mistake.  Please check this for me and send advise on what to do.  Thank you.
in The Tree House by Joan Landreth G2G6 Mach 3 (30.0k points)
retagged by David Selman
You might like to edit your question and add the tag Scotland Project to make sure they see it,

For whatever reason (a browser glitch?), your answer to the Project signup thread did post twice, about 4 minutes apart.

You can check your answers here : https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/user/Hanson-1698/answers

I have this happen every now and again. I chalk it up to aging fingers, that remain on the button a little too long or "stutter" on the button
The response you received was probably sent automatically by the system, not the Project.

I expect you'll hear from them shortly
I believe the "duplicate post" response is from G2G,  not the system.

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