Need to confirm parents of Rawson Parkhurst b 1794 as Andrew and Anna CAse all from Plainfield, Conn

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Need help to confirm  parents of Rawson Parkhurst b 1794  as Andrew and Anna Case all of Plainfield Conn
in Genealogy Help by Dorothy Dobson G2G Rookie (130 points)
Have you looked for a will for Andrew Parkhurst? Or property transfers?

An unsourced family tree at has these statements:

Researchers are still debating about whether Andrew, James or Timothy was the father of Rawson. Most believe Anna Case was Rawson's mother and Jonathan was his grandfather. For the purposes of continuing the line, we are using listing Andrew as Rawson's father.

Andrew never married. In 1800 his younger brother Timothy and Timothy's family were living with him. Timothy's mother and his three sisters who never married were also livng with him. 

Here is the link

It would have been quite useful if the “debating researchers” had been identified. Since this was a Connecticut Family, looking in the archives of the Connecticut Nutmegger could provide some insight.

I looked at Rawson’s Family in Family Search/Family Tree, which has some sources, but no parents are given for him.

This website has a lot of information on a Parkhurst family from Plainfield, with numerous references. I did not find a Rawson on the website, but there are numerous references that might be worth looking into.

Great tip but I am but the most amateur of researchers and just stumbled onto this site and this forum. Would have no idea where to look for a will or property transfers. If you can point me in that direction I would really appreciate it. I have an idea that at some point I will throw in the proverbial towel and accept Andrew as the father of Rawson. I am solid up to that point as I can prove that he (Rawson) was the father of Andrew Perry Parkhurst, my friend's gggrandfather.
Thanks, I've seen this reference and is where I noted that "Andrew never married." I don't see any reference to children for James or Timothy just that three of Jonathan's children married and had children. Odd that Andrew wasn't buried with a wife had there been one. This is a puzzler.

The major genealogy sites such as FamilySearch and Ancestry often have these kinds of records, although sometimes it is necessary to contact the county. A local, or county, genealogical society may have access to these; you should be able to find the Society on the web. Sometimes you need to contact the county, often in-person research can be more fruitful, although probably severely restricted these days.

The sources on the Hahn Library website look interesting, and are worth exploring.

To find copies of cited books look at worldcat at

Family Search has a lot of digitized books, although those still in copyright cannot be viewed on the web. is a good source fir older books.

Found the Nutmegger but none of the links could be located "file error."  Did a search under Parkhurst and nothing found. Not sure how to navigate this site.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Dorothy, You will need to upgrade your membership and sign the honor code (Free) so you can start adding your family..

Do you have any more information please?

by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
I don't know how to "upgrade." Totally new to this website. Would have added more info but only given 120 characters. Is this my only answer?Rawson Parkhurst b 1784 d 1868 Plainfield Conn m Harriet Kerwig and Sarah Douglass Voluntown, Conn. shows the parents as Andrew Parkhurst b 10-14-1766 Plainfield Conn d 1848 Windham Conn m Anna Case b 1775 d 1820 but no preceding connections. Family search shows  Andrew as son of Jonathan Parkhurst and Judith Wilson b 1737 Windham. Another doc states Andrew may not have ever married but not certain.

This might help you Dorothy,

This shows Rawson and two ‘wives’?

On Ancestry it is only a tree that suggests the parents name, but has no sources.

Yes, thank you Marion. I think we crossed paths recently and you were kind enough to share your info to date. I am still looking and will contact you should something more concrete become unearthed. Pun intended.  :-)
This is my wife's line.  We have some handwritten Parkhurst family notes, but none above Rawson.

  George Parkhurst/Phebe Leete, Joseph Sr/Rebecca Reade, Joseph Jr/Eunice Spalding, Timothy/Elizabeth Cady, Jonathan/Judith Wilson, Andrew/Anna Case, Rawson/Sally Sarah Douglas, Chauncey/Susan Chapman, Aimee/Anthony Dixon Jr (wife's great-grand parents).

We have nothing more to add, except this is what we have on her ancestors.  The first 6 kids were born 1824-1839. Sally died 1839.  Son Chester was born 20 Aug 1842. Rawson/Harriet Kegwin were married1841.

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