GEDCOM - Match all to my Wikitree?

+2 votes
I'm new to WikiTree so apologies if this is a total newbie question.

I've exported my  GEDCOM and brought it into WikiTree.   Do I  accept the new ID name-### that is presented?

For example, I am Yager-896, but my brothers all show in the file with increasing numbers. But to add them to my tree, should I be matching them to Yager-896?
in The Tree House by Living Yager G2G Crew (770 points)

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each new person with the last name Yager will have an increasing number -- ie I am Jones-123, my sister who joined with me is Jones-124   (made up!)

you can show the relationship between them.

I've only imported one gedcom - and it was a bit tedious and not very obvious. Someone with more experience may jump in an help out!
by Frances McCarthy G2G6 Mach 2 (28.5k points)
selected by Living Kerr
Thank you, Frances. I think you may have given me all I need.

So, when a new entry suggests a  new ID, it's because the person is new to WikiTree.
yes - and it will ask you to compare to possible matches - and you need to do that manually and click the little button to say they are matched or will it make a new person. I imported a small gedcom and it took a while to go through everyone!

Good Luck.

If you have uploaded a GedCom, the system will look for existing entries. So if you see names with a number, those are the suggested matches. You will not see the new entries ID before you actually have checked all suggestions confirmed or rejected them AND started to import GedDCom matches.

One of our mentors created a tutorial for the GEDCOMpare process that others found very helpful. I hope that you will too.

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